Well if you do (or even if you don’t), you should go see “Love’s Labour’s Lost” performed by a cast all the way from London. Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre of London delivered a remarkable portrayal of Shakespeare’s classic comedy. Even those who have trouble with Shakespearean terminology will laugh through the entire performance. The play is full of sexual allusions and innuendos, insults, puns, and jests. The actors and actresses have obvious talent and present the atmosphere of a true Shakespearean age. And if that’s not enough, just look at all their awesome outfits!
Before writing more about the show, I’d like to explain an interesting fact I learned when buying a ticket. I was purchasing a ticket over the phone (which would have been $36.00 for a balcony seat) when the woman helping me explained one of our many fantastic student advantages. Did everyone know that Student Rush tickets are only $10.00? As long as you purchase them before the box office closes, you get them cheaper, and I got a much better seat than if I would have paid over the phone. So when you do go see this play (because I know you will), make sure to buy a Rush ticket for $10.00 (get to the Box office before 5:00 for this price. I was also told that tickets can be purchased at the show for $15.00).
Ok, back to the play. I’ll give you a general summary and then you can go see it. King Ferdinand of Navarre and his three companions, Berowne, Longaville, and Dumaine, all take an oath that they will swear off all pleasures for three years and focus on their studies. These pleasures include women, adequate food and sleep, and all-around fun. The Princess of France and her ladies, Rosaline, Maria, and Katherine, arrive and soon the boys are breaking their vows as they fall head-over-heels in love. Literally, the four suitors are seen climbing trees, rolling around on the ground, and acting as benches to hide the love sicknesses that have caught each of them.
Some classic Shakespeare tricks and an outrageously funny peasant couple help spice up the play, while a Spaniard with extremely broken English keeps the laughter rolling. An excellent performance by Christopher Godwin, who played Holofernes, a School Master, is not forgotten as he insults the other characters and trails off in his old age. I don’t want to give anything away, so you should go see the play. It is so funny that at one point some of the actors laughed on stage! I loved it, and I’m sure you will too. In fact, I enjoyed myself so much that I want to see the play again, but I’m busy with so many other events. I would definitely pay the money again. So I urge everyone else to go see it. How many times in life are you going to be able to see a world renowned cast perform one of Shakespeare’s funniest and wittiest comedies? Not very often.
For anyone that doesn’t know when and where, here are the details once again. You can also always find events and details on the arts site at http://www3.arts.umich.edu/ or at the Globe’s Website http://www.shakespeares-globe.org/theatre/annualtheatreseason/loveslabourslost/
When: Tuesday, October 20, 8 pm
Thursday, October 22, 8 pm
Friday, October 23, 8 pm
Saturday, October 24, 8 pm
Sunday, October 25, 2 pm
Where: UofM Power Center for the Performing Arts
What: Shakespeare’s “Love’s Labour’s Lost”
Really though, I had so much fun Tuesday night. It always takes me that time to switch over to Shakespeare language, but once it clicks, the rest of the play is amazing (and I walk away talking like that. Usually I’ll greet people with elaborate old English sentences after a play and they’ll look at me funny, but whatever). I really do love Shakespeare. Whether it’s sad, funny, or historic, it is always well written and acted. Seeing the plays live also makes the plays better. Reading them is ok, but seeing them allows you to differentiate the characters and actually see why something might be funny (especially since we don’t always understand puns that are centuries old). Even if you don’t go to this one, everyone should see a live Shakespeare play sometime in their life. And for $10.00, why not? What else do you have to do on a Tuesday? Come on, I know you’re just sitting in your room wishing something were happening. Guess what, something is, and it is Shakespeare’s “Love’s Labour’s Lost” by his Globe Theatre of London!
Now you have a Fobulous day!