Evolving Emotions: Trust- Poetry

New Perfume, Same Promises


That ring was a symbol

unity on my finger


All the times you said you loved me

words of undying truth


Quiet moments in the mornings

holding me in your arms

laughing by the fire

gazing at the sun turning amber

then a mellowed purple


Did you mean it when you slid

it on my finger

called me yours

promised me forever?


I thought we fit

like jigsaw grooves

but in your bed is another

and I can’t stand their perfume


I despise you.

What’s worse than false promises

the I love you’s

and blood diamonds


Are the promises you make

to that woman with her perfume


Erin Knape is a University of Michigan senior majoring in psychology and minoring in creative writing. Her greatest passion has always been the arts, whether that be writing, painting, or photography. Capturing Campus, a weekly installment of poetry and photography, aims to capture campus life through artistic expression. Dive into Capturing Campus every Sunday!

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