REVIEW: Misha Friedman’s Photography

Misha Friedman’s talk about photography began with the timeline of what led him to the practice.  His story begins as an immigrant from Moldova.  He then studied economics and eventually started working for Doctors Without Borders.  This inspired his first photo series on tuberculosis.  He was interested in photographing the disease in a manner that communicated the story of the people and invoked interest.  The unchanging day to day events of the patients made this difficult, and this prompted Misha Friedman to see what other observations could be meditated on through photography.

The intention behind Misha Friedman’s work is what I found most interesting.  He uses a method of informed story-telling.  “You only have one motherland.  You have only one mother,” Misha said, when discussing why he decided to make a trip to Russia to photograph a series centered around the concept of ‘corruption’.  There is no denying where you come from.  His series on patriotism focused on this.  He found this nagging feeling of patriotism, which inspires feelings of pride or allegiance or united ideology, prevalent in Russia in its ambiguity.  The country of Russia is physically large, which is part of the reason for the many differences in belief across the regions.  Another part is the segregated belief systems that have come to dominate Russia over the years.  Now Russians feel not only a confused sense of patriotism but a pressure to feel a certain way about their country because of the strictness of the political structure.  Friedman aims to capture the clandestine nature of political sentiment in the country through his series on patriotism.  In his talk, Friedman discussed how the way of displaying photographs in a gallery is not always ideal because different galleries have different set ups and the lay out of a series is never quite the same in a different space.  His solution to this was to have his photos on an interactive website.  On the website is a series of portraits of Russians he interviewed, and the accompanying recording of those interviews begins to play when the portrait is clicked on.  To make the series a more direct response to the question of “what is patriotism to Russians” Friedman has the portraits organized by age group and by questions asked.

Another aspect of Friedman’s work that assists in his story-telling is his use of black and white.  He points to color as a complicated factor to use in photography, and that is why he uses black and white in many of his photos.  It brings the viewer a finer focus on the subject matter and eliminates concerns that might interfere with the story of the image.

After the talk, there was a strong sense of intention in his work which is something I am not used to hearing from talks on arts in other mediums.  As someone not too familiar with photography, I found there to be a strong focus on content for Misha’s work, as it all has ties to the political.  His work is also strong in the sense that it has the communicative goal of telling a clear story, which makes his work read as informational.  It is easy to perceive the message in his work, and because of that the viewer’s relative take away from the work is relatively singular and successful in bringing together a community of people to observe and process the same information.


PREVIEW: Stamps speaker series, Photogapher Misha Friedman

For photographer Misha Friedman, analytical photography is not about capturing events and facts, or even reactions to these events and facts. Rather it is about revealing causes, asking complex and difficult questions and answering them with photographs.  Born in Moldova under soviet rule, Misha Friedman currently lives in New York.  He has a bachelor’s degree in economics and a master’s in Russian and Post-Soviet studies. His photography has won numerous awards, including a grant from the Institute for Modern Russia to sponsor the series “Photo 51: Is Corruption in Russia’s DNA?” which will be on exhibit at the Work Gallery (306 S. State) in May and June.

REVIEW: The Tale of Princess Kaguya

This animated film comes at the end of the Michigan Theater’s Ghibli Studios series.  Directed by Isao Takahata, whose other works include “Grave of the Firefiles” and “Pom Poko,” the movie has a different style than most other Ghibli Studio films.  It is drawn in a sketchy style and the colors are subtle as if painted by watercolors.  The soundtrack is also noticeably delicate and playful as if the music is in reaction to the animation.  The tale is taken from a Japanese folktale and begins with the birth of a little girl from the stalk of a bamboo.  A bamboo cutter is the one who finds her and he and his wife take her in and raise the girl as their own.  Amongst other tales, this one has similarities with the story of Thumbelina, but the similarities end there.  The girl, unlike Thumbelina, grows up faster than a normal child.  She is nicknamed “Little Bamboo” by the other children in the village because she grows so quickly.

The father suddenly decides that there must be a better life that awaits his daughter.  Living in the country she grows up with the wildlife, helping out with the gathering food, and exploring the forests with her friends.  But as her childhood ends her father is determined to make his Little Bamboo the princess she deserves to be.  After receiving piles of golden nuggets from a bamboo stalk, he interprets this as a sign from the gods to make his daughter a better life in the city and to have her become educated as a royal.  Little Bamboo leaves her care-free life in the country to pursue the life her father wants for her.  For the love of her father, she learns the manners and customs of the nobility.  It seems a self-fulfilling prophecy is being made as, under her father’s instruction, Little Bamboo becomes the most beautiful and desirable lady in the kingdom and is referred to as princess.  Little Bamboo’s happiness has been taken away in the carries on day to day life with disinterest.  She tries to spend all of her time in the kitchen, the one part of her new house that she feels comfortable in, but the world around her always comes around and compels her to come out again.

Her struggle in this world stems from the story of why she came to be in the bamboo stalk, a story that is not revealed until the end.  It is only through the telling of her own story does the current world make sense and the world she knows ceases become reality and more like a folk tale.  It is interesting to examine the reasons behind how such a story was written.  Not that there must be a lesson to every folk tale, but after seeing this movie I came away wanting to cherish those feelings and relationships earned from stories more than ever, because though they are fictional they are unique and it is important to recognize this and understand the power stories can have.


PREVIEW: The Tale of Princess Kaguya

The Tale of the Princess Kaguya (2013) is an animated adaptation of a Japanese folktale The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter.  It is the story of a magical girl born from a bamboo stalk.  The film is directed by Isao Takahata and produced by Studio Ghibli.

Where: The Michigan Theater
When: Jan. 21 at 6:45 (subtitled) and 9:30 (dubbed)

REVIEW: The Imitation Game
The imitation game, the namesake of the movie, is the ability for a robot to imitate human thought.  It isn’t a question of whether artificial intelligence can one day come to think as humans do but whether or not humans can create artificial intelligence that can output thought that is indistinguishable from a human.
Alan Turing was a brilliant mathematician and professor living in early 20th century England.  He had a strong interest in cryptology and began working on the case of cracking the Nazi code machine in the early 1900s.  Turing, played by Benedict Cumberbatch, was a prideful person and preferred working on solving the problem of Enigma on his own, making few friends amongst the other cryptologists working in the service of the Allies.  He realized that in order to solve the encoded messages the Nazis sent, more than man power would be required.  A machine is needed to fight a machine.  So he set about designing a machine that would be able to crack the Nazi code.
As much a biography as well as a dramatic and revealing portrait of a once clandestine operation undertaken by the British during the war, the project of solving Enigma is treated as more of a story on who Turing was and how his mind worked.  The mind is the closed off part of ourselves that no one else can access.  There are psychological, physical, and numerous other named and unnamed methods of determining what goes on in the mind, but the truth remains a mystery.  Our ability to communicate thoughts between one another is dependent on output.  One form this output takes is through language.  The language used by Turing’s character was careful and calculated and his highly logical method of communicating made reference to his idea of a machines capable of thought, in actuality, the imitation of thought.
This imitation of thought, of language being another level realizing a person’s mind, can be seen in the way the government handled the control of Nazi decryption.  The process of decoding having been solved, the issue now was for how to use the information.  Keeping the Allied movements limited so that the Nazi’s would not realize that they had solved Enigma was a hard task.  There were lives that could be saved with the knowledge they had gained but choices had to be made as to which lives could be saved.  In the same way that the knowledge the British now held was not revealed to the public at large, just as on the scale of the individual, knowledge is not publicly available.  In this imitation game the secret nature of the mind is a key element to the success of the Allies’ operations.
Sometimes the normal way of communicating is not the ideal way in a given situation.  In terms of the British intelligence, they limited the knowledge they shared with the public in order to save more lives.  The way Turing communicated was limited socially compared to others but a lot of his limits were brought about by society and resulted in his medical castration and later contested suicide in the mid 20th century.  The movie did not go into this specific detail but still, the weight of Alan Turing’s contributions to the war effort and the academic field we now know today as computer science are immense, and his final years and death hold the weight of injustice that is only now being recognized.

PREVIEW: The Imitation Game

The Imitation Game tells the story of British mathematician and cryptologist, Alan Turing.  To dedicate oneself to solving the code of the Nazi’s encoding machine, Enigma, Turing and a secret group of cryptologists each possess a unique drive.  Featuring Benedict Cumberbatch and Keira Knightley, this movie tells the lesser known story of how the war was won and the difficulties that this seeming success drew out of the people who brought it about.

Michigan Theater
Showtimes can be found here.