Vivian the Suit

This is Viv. She’s a guild member. I like her design but I don’t know much about her story. Currently, she’s a recipient of a fae-dragon deal. This grants her powers that are essentially pocket sand but with dream sand. Her powers require her to get close to people, so I figured she knew martial arts like Krav Maga. Maybe she’s part of the Guild’s secret services? If so, I might have to age her up. I like her casual look, it makes her look all innocent. I have no clue if her role in the story will be villainous or not. She’s meant to have gold decorations in her hair.

Helia K

This is Helia Kuai, she’s Simon’s cousin. She’s also an assassin, like the rest of the family. I wanted to show her stern and prickly personality, so I made her hair spiky. I like the shape it makes but I’m also considering a ponytail for her because having loose hair isn’t practical for her job. I made her clothes simpler to contrast Simon’s theater kid look. I hope I got her grumpiness across.

Unhinged Auntie Hima

This is Brinnslow’s Auntie Hima. I may have talked about Brinnslow in the past, all you need to know is that Brinnslow was separated from her family when she was young, and has body horror-themed powers. Hima has similar powers that she uses for destruction and revenge. I wanted to give Hima a plain red coat similar to Brinnslow’s, but I realized she’d contrast Brinnslow better with more classy and stylish clothing. With spikes, of course. I would give her aviators but I don’t like drawing sunglasses. It was cool drawing someone who is older. I think I made Hima to be in her 40s?

Tove the Office Worker

First post of the Winter Semester everyone! Here’s Tove, she’s a side character in my story. She starts off as an office worker before becoming an employee in a magical casino. This is mostly her casino outfit. I tried to make her vest fancy, but also easy to draw. I liked how I gave her black bell bottoms because it made her silhouette interesting. I tried to pose her in ways that showed her cheeky personality.

Here’s an earlier Tove piece I did under the readmore.

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Yim Bollidae

So this is Yim Bollidae. Some may recognize this person as Yarrow Archimille from a year or so ago. They’re Yim now, as well as a Fae-Dragon.

I wanted Yim to have this elflike Fred Astaire-esque quality to them. Very ties-and-tails. I didn’t want them to look too flashy, because for most of their story they’re in travel clothes. I tweaked their collar to show their closed-in personality, and dabbled with their horn decorations. I wanted time to have glass horns with spiked piercings that could be seen through the glass, but I imagine it would be time-consuming to draw. I’m debating removing them.