No Role Models?

As I was listening to “No Role Modelz” by J. Cole, I started to think about the concept of role models within this generation. J. Cole’s song targets women and relationships and how there seems to be a lack of true depth and inspiration in the people that we aspire to be like today. I have to agree with this stance. The well-respected influencers of the past garnered their credibility by putting in hard work, by facing doubtful criticism, and by going against the norms within their fields. I feel as though these traits are not found in a lot of the public figures or forerunners of our industries today. There seems to be a change in the revolutionary trait of these “role models,” and the reason why we are inspired by them.

I remember when I was a young pre-teen, I was obsessed with the high-fashion industry at-large. I knew every historical prominent designer, every muse they had, and what made them revolutionary in the industry. I was convinced that I would be the next Oscar De La Renta and I begged my parents for sewing classes, a sewing machine, and voraciously sketched designs non-stop in school. When I think back on that time, I was completely enamored with these role models, and I was willing to do whatever it took to be like them. Through time, my interests faded and my reality sunk in, but looking back, I appreciate the spark that these influencers brought to my life. My work ethic, my passions, my desire to fulfill my dreams became a tangible thing in my psyche. I wanted a fulfilling life for myself, and having this industry and these role models influence me was a major factor in that.

Moving back to today, there seems to be  a different dynamic amongst influencers and the youth. Sure there are little kids inspired by the great artists of the past and of today, but there are also little kids inspired by people whose “fame” doesn’t correlate with the revolutionary aspects of what entails being a role model, in my opinion. Not to say that everyone must meet a certain criteria to be an influencer, but this is a major role that celebrities and intellects should take seriously by being in the limelight. Millions of children, and even adults, are going to be inspired in some way by these people. We live in our truth eventually, but the way in which we get there is influenced by the people we see praised on our T.V., in magazines, on websites, or in newspapers.

Role models are an amazing part of learning about yourself. They are the backbones of our world, and they teach us everyday to be the best that we can be. It can be your parents, grandparents, cousins, teachers, or even celebrities. Their revolutionary traits show us that what we have to offer the world is possible through amazing work ethic and passion. As time goes on, I hope that these famed role models in our media emulate people who will inspire the youth around us to live in their truth, and be all that they can be.

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