How Lucky You Are

Seniors mourn their cancelled celebrations. People grieve over ill or lost loved ones. Many are unemployed and face hardships even after all of this is over. It’s true that the future is uncertain, which is why it’s important that you allow yourself to grieve. Allow yourself to be angry, frightened, or sad. Allow yourself to be concerned about your health, your job, and the economy. But also allow yourself to heal.

I turn to a song featured in the musical called SeussicalSeussical, created by Lynn Ahrens and Stephen Flaherty, is based on a variety of children’s books of Dr. Seuss. Having performed it during my senior year of high school, I will forever be biased towards this zany show; however, as much criticism as the musical gets, it’s undeniably a good time for performers and audience members alike. In all its wackiness, Seussical also projects positive themes and messages for all. One such message is found within a song that hits home right now titled “How Lucky You Are.”

How Lucky You Are

When the news is all bad
When you’re sour and blue
When you start to get mad
You should do what I do

Tell yourself
How lucky you are

When your life’s going wrong
When the fates are unkind
When you’re limping along
And get kicked from behind
Tell yourself how lucky you are

Why decry a cloudy sky
An empty purse
A crazy universe?
My philosophy is simply
Things could be worse!

So be happy you’re here
Think of life as a thrill
And if worse comes to worse
And we all know it will
Thank your lucky star
You’ve gotten this far
And tell yourself how lucky you are
How lucky, how lucky, how lucky, how lucky, how lucky, how lucky you are!

In the musical, “How Lucky You Are” takes place as the Whos’ clover—with all of them on it, of course—is dangerously soaring through the air. The Cat in the Hat, who acts as the musical’s narrator, freezes the action and sings ironic lyrics about how “things could be worse.”

Much like the Whos and their clover, the current epidemic and situation surrounding it can feel like a free-fall. Our world has been rocked, with many things we previously viewed as stable no longer being as solid. Our loss of our sense of security and social connections provide an even greater need for those connections, as we need a way to bear witness and communicate what’s happening around us.

In addition to educating yourself about the virus and following the instructions to stay at home, try to find new ways to adjust and move forward. I challenge you to acknowledge the grief you’re feeling, but to also know it’s okay to smile. During challenging times such as these, it seems impossible—or even wrong—to have fun and be joyful; however, being open to finding happiness in the mundane is important. Fear and anxiety over the COVID-19 pandemic can be overwhelming, but healthily coping with stress can help make you and your community stronger. Gratitude and empathy can help us connect with one another and conquer these difficult times with grace. With that, I hope you stay safe and “tell yourself how lucky you are.”