S2 Scribble #5: Lied vom Scheitern

“Du bist immer dann am besten wenns dir eigentlich egal ist.” (“You’re always your best when you don’t really care.”)

Believe it or not, I’ve yet to write a Song Scribbles blog based on one of my favorite bands – but German band Die Ärzte (“the doctors”) finally makes an appearance on today’s blog! I’ve been listening to their song “Lied vom Scheitern” (“Song of Failure”) on repeat these past few weeks, and even though I don’t know much German, I’ve read the translated lyrics countless times and always see myself in them.

“Du bist immer dann am besten wenn du einfach ganz normal bist.” (“You’re always your best when you’re just normal.”)

Being surrounded by so many impressive, busy, talented people at college is so inspiring. Sometimes, though, especially on busy weeks like these, it can also be exhausting. Last week’s blog focused on my feelings of doing “enough.” I can confidently say that I am overwhelmed with the amount of things I am doing, and I know I have a lot on my plate. Why do I sometimes feel guilty about being overwhelmed? Why am I comparing myself to what I see others doing without knowing their story? What is “enough” anyway?

“Du bist immer dann am besten, du musst das nicht austesten nicht noch mal.” (You’re always your best, you don’t have to test it again.”)

I am always my best when I’m doing what I love. I’m always my best when I’m trying my hardest. Even when my best on a given day isn’t my best of all time, I’m still the best I can be in that given scenario, and I’m learning to accept that striving for perfection is simply setting myself up for disappointment. Whether I’m doing “enough” or “my best” doesn’t depend on what I see or hear others doing. What is “my best” is up to me to decide, and I am deciding to show myself compassion and love and understanding, working toward a better me every day. I am doing enough, and I am enough, and I don’t have to test it again. 

“Dein Spiegelbild ist anderen egal.” (“Your reflection in the mirror doesn’t matter to others.”)

Listen to Lied vom Scheitern by Die Ärzte here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQDI-8YfzWQ

Sydney Braun

University of Michigan Class of 2024. Pronouns: she/her. Double Major in Environment and Communication & Media. Huge fan of 80s/90s music, not a fan of single-use plastic water bottles. Be sure to check out Song Scribbles With Sydney, where I use my favorite music to help analyze my emotions and experiences at college, posted every Wednesday!

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