I remembered that scent 

The one that smogged the halls of a peopled building

The one that gave generations of hands

Motivation to graze walls


I see myself

Looking both ways to walk 4 feet

Inhaling the stench

Of phones scrolling

While the body works


I heard craned necks

Focusing on computer screens

Eyes scrambling to keep up

With the notes on a page

The tones of a lecture

Or the drones of a beat


They walked outside

To eat their lunches in hideaways

Marked by their names

They talk between the walls

Not through them

Gaze at the backs of heads

Not into eyes

Rest awake

Sleep through dreams


In a wash of white noise 

I hear crickets 

Strumming a long tone 

To accompany the click of your finger’s keys 

You sat beside me 

With orange light streaming 

As flight attendants moved back and forth

I reached out to touch your hand 

Encapsulating mine 

In your warmth cold 

How many days can we have like this 

Listening to silence 

How many days can we have like this

Pottery Wheel

If the clay was smooth,



Could seep through

But bowls, plates, and vases

Could not chip

At your thoughts.


If the clay was smooth,

Toothpicks would serve as utensils

For fine details

Knives would easily trace

Straight lines

Spoons would remove excess.


If the clay was smooth,

You would question

If water seeps out

You would wonder

If by taking the mostly molded cup,

You could stain your white hands.

If by taking a sip,

Do you risk tasting the brown?


If ghosts of past mistakes could fade away,

Rolled into a ball and smoothed out.


a slight pang in my chest                           

travels down to my stomach 

and sits 

sometimes it doesn’t come till later 

until after something 

or after nothing happens 


I wonder

if the feeling from my chest

after something or nothing

now sitting in my stomach

will be there later 

it has nothing to do, but sit


it is natural to sit

after something happens 

after pain leaves the chest

if pain leaves the chest


I wonder 

if their silence

after I address it

is for listening 

for processing or 

for confusion 



must I re-examine our past 

is it tainted?


aggression or understanding?


was that slight tingle  

something I should’ve cried over or 

something I should have brushed past?

Giving Up

Am I the story with broken chapters 

Riddled with typos 

Contradictions and plot holes? 

Do I have creased corners 

On crinkled pages? 

Molded over dusty desks 

Marked by finger swipes 

Do spiders make their homes on my surface? 

Stretch their webs around bookshelves? 

Bending by the weight 

Of my words