People Watching: First Post!

Hello everyone! This is my very first post on People Watching. I actually struggled a lot when trying to come up with who/where to draw for my first post, so I ended up going in a pretty simple direction. Each of the students I drew was spotted walking (or skateboarding) in front of the UMMA and Union on Wednesday October 18th, 2023. I really enjoyed just using marker here but a goal for the future is to branch out into more colorful illustrations that still feel consistent with my style.

Isabella Brown

Hello! My name is Isabella, and I’m currently a sophomore in LSA on track to study PPE and Russian. I’m from Michigan and have lived here all my life. My blog, “People Watching” is a product of all the times I’ve walked across campus, wanting to draw everyone I see. I want to capture people as unique characters and illuminate individuality across familiar spaces on campus. I usually work in pen and ink or colored pencil, but I’m excited to experiment with new styles as this series goes on. To contact, email

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