Inherent Vice

Need I say anything? The first trailer for P.T. Anderson’s new film “Inherent Vice” has finally been released. It will be starring Joaquin Phoenix, Josh Brolin, Benicio Del Toro, Reese Witherspoon, Owen Wilson, and many more…

Reasons to be exited? Well first of all, it is a P.T. Anderson film (a director known for such works as…”Boogie Nights”, “There Will Be Blood”, “Magnolia”, and “The Master”). Second, it is adopted from a Thomas Pynchon novel of the same name. Third, Pynchon, an author considered to be a recluse of sorts (to which he replied cleverly by saying, “My belief is that ‘recluse’ is a code word generated by journalists… meaning, doesn’t like to talk to reporters…”), gave his blessing on the script.

Thomas Pynchon was an author most widely known for books such as “Gravity’s Rainbow” and “The Crying of Lot 49”. His most recent book being “Bleeding Edge”. This is the first time a Pynchon novel has been adapted and the trailer only furthers my belief that this will be a great movie.

Here is a little introduction to the novel for those who are too lazy to google…

“It’s been a while since Doc Sportello has seen his ex-girlfriend. Suddenly out of nowhere she shows up with a story about a plot to kidnap a billionaire land developer whom she just happens to be in love with. It’s the tail end of the psychedelic sixties in L.A., and Doc knows that ‘love’ is another one of those words going around at the moment, like ‘trip’ or ‘groovy,’ except that this one usually leads to trouble.”

“Part noir, part psychedelic romp, all Thomas Pynchon – private eye Doc Sportello surfaces, occasionally, out of a marijuana haze to watch the end of an era.”

(All found on the back cover of the book)


He, the boy, was already out of his seat, ready for his regular after supper program. She, the mother, was, an embodiment of habit through and through, sitting across from the boy, staring at, what seemed to her, an insurmountable amount of food that she had hardly touched.
“I am tired mother,” he said in his deliberately quiet voice.
She didn’t even look up and as usual the boy took her silence to be a response, yet one not specified to be approving or disapproving, but merely just a response. Not for one second did the boy believe that he fooled his mother into thinking that he went to sleep so early every night. But what did it matter to him? Once his bedroom door was closed and locked and he was comfortably sitting on the edge of his bed, leaning his eye onto the eyepiece of the telescope, no other world existed, none other than the one across the street.
The telescope that had become the boy’s vessel to a new obsession was a gift. His father left it for him, a man that he had never seen. No photo’s existed, and according to his mother, no memories either. Pointed downwards, toward the illuminated street, the telescope sat facing the bedroom’s only window. The bedroom itself was newly furnished; a space filled with a new used mattress and broken clock along with no objects of childish desire. The street was lit, with a warm light that breached the bedroom’s windows with a yellow embrace but the sky above was dark, for the streetlights that flooded the city, also erased the stars that dotted the sky, leaving only the black dome that had neither beginning nor end.
Looking through the telescope, the boy could see the bar that tonight seemed to host an appropriate level of boisterous activity. The bouncer stood guard as always, both hands in his pockets and just like every other night, the bouncer was wearing his black t-shirt and black jeans. Despite the fact that the night air had become chillier recently, not one night passed where the boy was not able to see the tattoo on the bouncers left bicep. In lieu of this tattoo, the boy had given the bouncer the name Isabelle. He couldn’t figure why there was a heart around it however, who could love someone named Isabelle?

Isabelle’s gaze shifted, eyes staring to his left at an odd man who was walking up the street. His face was young yet he barely had a headful of gray hair that frizzled and shot in directions with an electric disorder more congruous with his youthful face. As the odd man stopped in front of the bar, a puzzled eyebrow rose on Isabelle’s face.
“Sorry, sir. But I can’t let you in. We are full tonight.”
The odd man straightened his hunched back like an animal rearing up to intimidate and replied with both words and gestures of rabid and primal fervor that seemed to extend from further beneath his disheveled exterior, “It’s cause of how I look, isn’t it you fucker?”
“Alright, keep walking. I don’t have to deal with shit like you.” As Isabelle finished what he was saying, the odd man leaned in close to his face, breathing heavily, releasing the scent of alcohol; something that Isabelle had already figured was churning inside the odd mans stomach. Somehow he knew, although its effects were lost in the maddening mystery the man’s face.
Then, with a sudden explosiveness, the odd man jabbed away with a knife, irregularly hitting home with blows that were as sporadic as a cornered animals swipes and claws. Grabbing whatever he could of his punctured torso, Isabelle fell onto the ground, kissing the street. The odd man scurried away.

The boy knew that Isabelle was not dead, he couldn’t be. His eye left the eyepiece and his body carried him onto the streets outside. Naked feet slapping on the asphalt, he hurried over to the motionless Isabelle. A pool of blood was already collecting beside and beneath the body, of what seemed to the boy now, that of a different man, one that he didn’t know. The blood was not bright red like his own when he had a nosebleed, instead, it was deep and thick, and flowing onto the black asphalt, it became even darker. The boy shook him but the man made no sound.
“Wake up. Wake up…”
The man slowly came to his senses and turned his head just enough to see the boy. But the man nothing. He only stared at the boy with eyes that spoke a language the boy had never heard but knew. The boy ran into the bar and said that the man out front was bleeding and the bartender ran out along with a couple of regulars. Before long, the red and blue flashers, atop the silent ambulance and two patrol cars, flooded the warm yellow lights.

Long before the cops and medics arrived however, the boy had already gone back inside his house and was now sitting across from his mother, whose eyes were devoid of presence, glazed with a disgusting nonchalance.
“What the fuck did you do? Those lights better not be for you.” She was smoking, puffing away, and the thick gray smoke that suffocated the air in the room made the boy choke and cough.
“Nothing. A man died.”
“Who? Do you know this person?”
The boy looked angrily at his mother and replied that he was just a man who worked at the bar. He noticed that she had eaten half of what was on her plate ad like usual; the rest was going into the trash again, buried by all the stubs and ash from the cigarettes she devoured.
Her eyes had a glint of interest that became more apparent as she worked her way through her next wave of smothering questions, “The bar? Was it the bouncer?”
However, the boy did not see his mother’s lively expressions. All he saw was smoke. His gaze shifted towards the tacky patterned kitchen floor tiles where the smoke did not reach. But the tiles themselves, transfused a sickening mood. His head began to spin. Beneath the painful white light from the fluorescent bulbs, rays that seemed to infectiously penetrate the clouds of smoke, the boy spaced out into a dizzying mental void. So he got up and ran back to his room and as he ran, he could hear his mother, but his coughing that rang in his ears muffled her words.
He locked the door and sat again on the edge of his bed, facing the telescope. He had puked before, but this vertigo, it only made him feel like he had to, the vomit never came. Fearful and frantic, the boy looked around for something, anything. Then, glaring at the telescope, he realized that he didn’t want anything in his vision except nothing. He can’t be dizzy if he sees nothing. With a weak push, the boy shoved aside the telescope and kneeled on the floor and rested his head on the windowsill and stared upwards, towards the blank black dome. And it was in this moment that he was reminded of the entirety of what he had seen that night. Wrapping his arms around himself, the boy began to cry, his watery eyes still fixed on the dome above, trying to look past the blurry black liquid in his eyes.
Still sitting in the kitchen, the mother listened to the second knock on her front door. She was already on her eighth cigarette. Another knock. They can wait. Instead of smoking it, she let the cigarette burn until it reached her fingers. She hardly endured the pain and let go quickly, letting the bud drop into the ashtray that had, by now, collected a substantial pile. When she finally opened the door, some of the smoke escaped. An expected face was before her and all she could say was nothing, she stood in silence in preparation for what was to come.

Following “We are the 21st Century Ambassadors of Peace & Magic”… “…And Star Power”!

Although I have arrived upon this news quite late… it turns out that Foxygen is releasing their next album. Their last album, titled “We are the 21st Century Ambassadors of Peace & Magic”, a lengthy and boisterous title, embodied fully their ambitiously experimental style. An album that consisted of a song as soft as San Francisco whilst having something that sounded as rough as Bowling Trophies it was certainly an eclectic album, maybe less eclectic than their previous record, “Take the Kids off Broadway” but the point being, that it was an incredibly fun and fresh record. At least it felt that way for me, someone who is not remotely close to being a music nerd. I mean ask me to name a Chuck Berry song and all I can list is “You Never Can Tell” because I watched Pulp Fiction. Am I ashamed? No, Pulp Fiction is a great fucking movie. The song is great too, but I just haven’t invested my time into exploring more of his songs. Except I guess “Johnny B Goode”, except, everyone has heard that one. I think.

Anyways…I am getting off track.

The reason why this is an exciting development is not just because I admire their music, instead, it is the fact that they were able to get past their drama, that at one point, seemed so serious that the bands core consisting of the two friends, Jonathon Rado and Sam France, was in serious risk of splitting up. It certainly puts my mind at ease knowing that these two will continue making music and have made a new record. For now…

Anyways, their new album will be called “…And Star Power”. These album titles man…
Also they have released two singles, “Cosmic Vibrations” and “How Can You Really”, the latter having a music video (attached to this post). The latter song gives me vibes of San Francisco except maybe more tame, can’t speak the same for the music video, I can’t figure out Sam France at all he is just too much of a character. I don’t really feel the energy I felt in their previous songs but that doesn’t mean I don’t like it. If anything, listening to Foxygen has made me accept that each song seems to be its own thing. So I don’t really feel the need to compare it to any previous musical endeavors they tackled.

I can’t really go in depth about the specifics regarding why I like this song, because my ability to articulate musical interests has already been stretched. So I will just end it here. I like the sound so far, maybe you will too. Only one way to find out. Hint, click the video.



Two Colors a Day

“That train was never meant to go anywhere.”
“Then for What purpose was it built? You can’t possibly suggest that it was built to be stationary, for if that is the case it would cease to be a train at all.”
“How can it cease to be a train? It most certainly looks like a train. Are you telling me that you are looking at it straight on with your eyes and you see not a train, but something else?”
“I see a building shaped like a train, specifically a café shaped like a train.”
“Now you are just being silly, prolonging this already pointless debate by nitpicking a single perspective, tugging on a single thread amongst many.”
“Well, one must pull the thread to unravel the truth.”
“Truth? My confused brother, you would only distort the knitted cloth that was already created. Stop being a nuisance, a child, and grow up will you?”
“Or could it be, that the ‘knitted cloth’ is just an illusion and my eager and fascinated tugging of the thread simply elucidates that which has avoided us?”
“Very well then sis, by the way, what a wonderful sunrise.”
“What is better? Sunsets or sunrises?”
“Now who is being childish?”

An Impression

Whilst trying to sing an out of tune impression of a fabled summer you read or saw somewhere; a stretch of road steaming beneath the burning sun, surrounded by desert; you see only the way ahead but it is blurred beneath the waves of heat; does it matter?; beside you rests the head of a dear friend sleeping like the gravestone of a cherished family member long past; you know…ya that one; don’t pretend like you don’t know, it isn’t flattering; vroom, swing me around the tree again and tell me there is no hell cause you heard about it from your older brothers friend; reason to me that all bad things don’t exist because it would be uncomfortable for both of us; but you can’t anymore; constant reminders never fail to slap us across the face and flash a finger before you even realize why you are so sad; but it is okay, you got bananas and the tombstone on your shoulder; eat that fruit and suppress your hunger cause dinner ain’t ready yet, wait 30 minutes, maybe an hour, I am not sure; so stuff that face full and read the epitaph of your fabled summer.

Run little rabbit run; there is a hole nearby but you know you won’t fit; speeding bullets and sprinting boats; chucking meal down to bait you back up out of the back of your throat; don’t you know, everyone left an hour ago; if you aren’t moving you are taking up space; move out of line and let the blazers echo songs of potential success; wasted potential is more real than that which is fulfilled; you won’t be alive for long; take yourself to the vet; leather jacket and leather boots; reverberations unrecognizable to the trained ear that earns to rebel against something that it does not know, lucid conviction regarding that which is shrouded.

But you need not fear little rabbit; stretch your neck daily so you can become a giraffe; then reach that high leaf; chew slowly; tastes like shit doesn’t it?; you don’t know?; I guess that makes sense; the grass always tasted better.

Even Behemoth doesn’t want to terrorize this city; overgrown shit; stop whipping it out every single time you see a lovely pair; it is not gonna spew ichor one day you…you…fuck; hold on, radio signal from up high, rooftop winds, murderous crow on a bass and an owl hooting away; peacock hiding behind sensuous feathers with elegance; no sound but the devil and his retinue partying away; it is a carnival of drums and gun smoking gumshoes reveling in the amount of curious ladies out tonight; Oh! Steamboat Willy! Whistle my worries away! Chief, I want a cheeseburger and two pills.

Wake up now there is a stop nearby, it looks shitty, but I really have to piss.

Breezy Sky Art

I have not been able to really think about my blog post for this week because everything I have been thinking about has been or is being funnelled into an essay or exam preparation. It is at times like these where seeing art pieces such as this makes my anxiety, not quite flutter away, but rather become manageable. So now, I share it with you.


Here is the link to the rest of Thomas Lamadieu’s gallery of related works.

And this is his website