Evolving Emotions: Centrifuge

Having depression and anxiety is kind of a

Funny thing. 


Those depressed moods

However awful they are

Remain comfortable 

Remain separate from the whirlwind of

Thought and obsessive


I can’t fall from the floor


There is no surprise 

No jarring suddenness 


Just peace in the low and dull

It’s a sick cycle

That enraptures 

Makes me yearn for the consistency 

That is ruining my life.


You don’t take chances

There’s no point


You don’t try things

Why would I?


Are you ever going to start living your life?

Do you want the truth?


Maybe a day will come

When the anxiety isn’t so grand

And the depression seems just a little 



A day where I step out from the centrifuge

That whirls and spirals

And step into the light


With a novelty I never knew 

And a take on life 

I had never held in my hands

With a world of possibilities 

I had yet to realize


Evolving Emotions: The Fog

Presences are unannounced in the dark.

Even more so in the fog

A blur of beings rushes by

Without ever crossing my eye

Each step is a careful one

Each breath, hesitant

For I am subject to the misty blindfold


I embark.


In a transition

A surge of events passes me by

What I could do

I can’t.

What I wanted

I can’t have.

I don’t see them 

I didn’t see them

If only by my volition.


They move in my view for a moment

So fleeting

They depart 

Without thought

Without recognition

Without realizing

Helpless I am in the fog

For I am a proponent.


There is a strange relief

I am concealed

Shrouded in mysterious droplets

They cast a hold on me

Around my every curve 

I am hidden from the world

Away from the mind’s conception and belief.


Who I am

Whom I cherish

What I am capable of

What ineptitudes I lock away

The experiences I carry

The soul embedded within

A perfect bubble

A precious dam.


A thinning

A receding

A panic

A terror

A grief

A mourning

A spinning.


Fog withdraws

Visions clear

Fear resides

In the cavity once hidden

Now in full display

Pleading for a pause.


The whole world stares anew


Study Hal: Week 20 – Grounding

As we enter week 5 of online classes, and with midterms lurking around the corner, saying Hal is stressed would be an understatement. In the before times, Hal would watch videos or scroll through pictures to unwind. But, now that all his classes are on a screen, he’s finding it better to take his breaks outside.

As part of his anxiety management strategy, Hal spends 5 minutes doing grounding exercises every day. He spends this time observing the world around him, from the ground beneath his feet to the sounds in the distance. Hal said his favorite part of his practice today was finding a yellowing leaf on the lawn. Bright red maple leaves are his favorite part of the season, and this is just a sign we’re one step closer to those beautiful fall colors. Did you notice anything in the world today that cheered you up?

In case you’re just tuning in, Hal is a student at U-M who’s been remote from his childhood home all semester. He’s back every week to share his thoughts and experiences, so check out the Study Hal tag if you want to see more!