Hal’s been making sure to cover his face when he heads out in public. He’s been using an old bandana because he’s stubborn and doesn’t like to buy new things, but a few weeks ago, he caved in and invested in a cloth mask for the school year. It finally arrived today! The only problem is that Hal didn’t think about the practicalities of wearing a mask with earloops when you don’t have any ears…
Don’t feel too bad for Hal! We’re gonna find something to hold the loops together in the back. Actually, tieing the earloops like that can take the pressure off your ears, making wearing a mask more comfortable over long periods of time. Very flexible wire is perfect for that kind of thing!
In case you haven’t met him yet, Hal is a U-Mich student who’s living at home over the summer of 2020. He’s back every week to share his experiences of living through this pandemic. If you want to see more videos, search the Study Hal tag.