Study Hal: Week 10 – Movie Night

Grab a tasty snack and a refreshing beverage, we’re having a movie night!

Last week, Hal was really stressed out, so he spent some time finding a low-stakes hobby to keep him grounded. After some research, he discovered that plenty of classic horror movies are in the public domain and available for free online! So now, once a week, he sits down with his tea and popcorn to watch one. More often than not, though, Hal comes to movie nights so tired that he falls asleep halfway through the dang movie! I guess it’s good that he’s getting some rest…

Hal’s favorite movies are ones with the campy special effects, but he’s been more open to other psychological horror flicks, too. Can you figure out what movie he’s watching here?

In case you haven’t heard, Hal’s a U-M student back in his hometown for the summer of 2020. He shares his experiences of this weird time every week, so check out the Study Hal tag if you want to see more!

Study Hal: Week 9 – Decompress

As summer is reaching its peak, the world seems to be getting more chaotic. Hal’s having trouble managing his anxiety because of it. Today, he snapped out of his anxious spiral when he saw his dog Sparky napping closeby. Sparky is really good at taking things as they come, and Hal has decided to adopt that mentality.

Hal would like to remind everyone that it’s alright to step away from the news to engage with what’s around you! Hal’s been spending with Sparky, but folks without pets could go for a walk, try a new recipe, or clean a long-forgotten area of their home. After all, it’s better to engage with the things we have control over than to stress about the stuff we can’t change.

Hal is a U-Mich student at home for this summer. He’s back with updates on his experiences every week, so check out the Study Hal tag for more of his thoughts and good vibes.

Study Hal: Week 4 – Practice and Patience

In the quest to be more mindful, Hal has started learning about origami! It was supposed to be a way to relieve stress, but, he’s been frustrated that he can’t even make a paper crane… He was up late last night trying to get it to work. It seems like practicing and sticking with something can actually pay off!

Hobbies are a cool way to make time for yourself and feel productive at the same time. Reading, crafting, and making art all let you take a minute to breathe while they provide you with a concrete accomplishment! What hobbies have you been keeping up with?

Hal is a U-Mich student who’s moved home for the summer of 2020. Every week, he’ll be here to share his experiences of this odd time. If you want to see more, search the Study Hal tag!