~Sappy Daze~ Day 9

I Bet Your Parents Made Love in a Bed 

of bright marigolds and cosmos. 
That would explain your innate 
stubbornness, like when you sprouted 
in May, too eager 

to grant your mother
the sweet poison of a lily 
of the valley, 
which is motherhood.

Although it’s not as beautiful as 
the red tulip she raised, I hope 
she likes the hydrangeas I gave. 

I’ve been wanting to gift more.

While their brilliant red still 
doesn’t compare to the adorable 
pink blooming on you, 

Look, the carnations we planted 
have beautifully bloomed. I’m 
determined to grow peonies with 
you, too. I’ve already decided that 

when I lie in my deathbed, nobody shall 
give me white lilies. Instead, they’ll 
give me poppies, for the wound you left 
when you left me: 

Its medicine will grant me peace in death, 
just like the peace your lavender gave me.

- Sappy

~Sappy Daze~ Day 6

On Reserve

I’m not very well-read. Especially 
when it comes to you. You’re a 
closed book, whereas I belong in 
the children’s section. Thankfully, 
you’re a bookworm. You didn’t 
judge me by my cover when I 
checked out at the library, unable 
to take my eyes off the page and
too engrossed in the story of 
you and me that I plotted out. 
I may be illiterate, but in my books, 
I’m a pretty good author, though
I wasn’t always good with words. 
Talking to the text had me on the 
edge of my seat. I wanted to book it: 
the ticket to the next chapter in our 
lives, until the falling action and 
resolution scared me. To drown out 
the words, you gifted me a photo 
album. The best possible genre for 
our favorite memories: dancing in 
the library at 2 in the morning, 
browsing books at the bookstore we 
couldn’t afford, fighting our hopeless 
finals with senseless doodles. It’s due 
soon: the audiobook I’ll give you. I 
wrote out and narrated our future life 
possibilities, like the adventurous 
romantic fantasy I planned right 
from the start at the library.

- Sappy