The Art of Halloween Costumes

Halloween costumes can be classy, trashy, cartoony, or in the several cases below – artsy!  After perusing the interwebs for artsy costume ideas, I came across these cute kids… and some adults with some serious art cred.  I had planned on Cat Woman until I saw that I could not get a costume for less than $60 (major sad face).  I am now thinking of drawing a unibrow, sticking flowers in my hair, and finding a brooding Diego.

If you are looking for artsy costume ideas, look no further!

Love the soup cans.
Love the soup cans.

A cheap, yet chic costume for dudes

Bringing Mondrian Back!

I think this one would be great with a dudes face (preferably bearded).
I think this one would be great with a dude's face (preferably bearded).

I love it when high art meets popular culture!

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