TOLAROIDS: International Women’s Day

Today is about celebrating women around the world. You will see pretty pictures, stories about female leaders, statements from university and government officials about historical figures that “make women proud.” However, tomorrow all of this will magically disappear and we will go back to the reality of what it’s like to be a woman in the modern world*:

  • In North America, 32% of women suffered intimate partner physical and/or sexual violence in 2020
  • 43% of respondents experienced discrimination against women in the past year including hearing sexist comments, witnessing sexism in the workplace or sexual harassment
  • Only 32% of companies worldwide have women in senior roles
  • The gender pay gap is 76% closed in Europe and 75% in North America. According to Statista, it will take 95 years with the current trends to completely close it in North America.
  • The US ranked only 43rd out of 146 countries examined for gender equality by the World Economic Forum according to the 2023 Global Gender Gap report
  • Globally, 58% of men and 49% of women agree with the statement that giving women equal rights has gone far enough in 2023

Let’s share those pretty pictures, let’s say the kind words, and let’s focus on female leaders and heroes today. But let’s also remember that it shouldn’t stop there, and the fight for equality continues beyond days like today.

*figures taken from Statista

Capturing Campus: March

The Midnight Drive

your favorite is the midnight drive
that’s dark except the headlights and
traffic stops. green, yellow, red
glimmering in a stigmatism
seeking solace in the hug
farther up the road
a warmth atop a chill
that softly breathes
an exhale of relief
you didn’t know you needed
goosebumps on your arms
resting back on the headrest
eyes like swollen stars
you look out the glass
at your reflection in the night
knowing home will come
that you’ll sleep it away
but dream of the midnight drive

Capturing Campus: February

Falling from Floating

have you ever had a dream
lasting only a second
waking in a cold sweat
wide-eyed panic
falling into something
letting go, just existing
in a moment
the feeling, so terrifying
you’re woken
by a mind, rigid
refusing to loosen
the comfortable grip
that keeps you grounded
not floating
and you can’t help but wonder

would you have fallen
if you weren’t afraid

Capturing Campus: February

Narcissus circa 2024

I loved someone
so deceptively tangible
so close, almost touching
our breath intermingling
between pauses and thought
I try to survive
the pain in my chest
the aching empty cavity
I loved someone
so deeply
so closely
it killed me

Please reach out if you or someone you know is in immediate danger or experiencing suicidal thoughts. You are not alone.


988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

CAPS After Hours Urgent Support: 734-764-8312

UM Psychiatric Emergency Services: 734.996.4747

UM Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness: 734.936.3333

Department of Public Safety and Security: 734.763.1131

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1.800.273.TALK (1.800.273.8255)

The Trevor Lifeline: 1.866.488.7386

Crisis Text Line:  741741

Capturing Campus: February

I am yours and we are dancing

we levitate on Neptune
across its frozen oceans
dancing beneath stars
that burst into jewels
clinging to your dress, twirling,
forming moons from nothing
and comets at your fingertips
you glide along the sky
so beautiful I find myself
adrift in your orbit
that pulls me whichever way
you will it
and I will find Saturn
to gift you his rings
but you deserve much more
and I will give you everything
because you give me love
like cosmic fireworks

Capturing Campus: February

In the garden

I searched for a flower
that reminded me of you


but none were quite right
because I remember you said
you don’t like flowers