An Open Letter to Disney/Pixar



I know there was something I was going to write about for today’s blog – I’m for sure. But alas, as the week has worn on, I have forgotten. Lucky for me, a nice, juicy piece of news has fallen into my lap.

Today Disney announced that both the Incredibles and Cars have been slated for sequels.

Wait for it…yep. Disney is FINALLY making the Incredibles 2. Loud cheers can be heard from all across the internet.

In recent years, some of the older fans of Disney have been clamoring for an Incredibles 2, saying that the movie lends itself well to a sequel and yes the movie was that good and it deserves it.

However instead of the Incredibles we got Monsters University (which I still haven’t seen) and Cars 2 (which I hope never to see). And no one is going to mention the studio mess that was Planes. No one.

While I do have to admit I am one of those fans that is beyond thrilled, I do have to ask why. Why now, and why do a sequel?

It’s no secret that Pixar has a corner on the animation market. While other companies do put out fantastic and well received movies (think How To Train Your Dragon and Rise of the Guardians), it’s Pixar, and by extension Disney that everyone knows and recognizes. So why make sequels instead of the amazing, creative, original stories I’ve come to love?

I’ve noticed this trend and it’s become a bit frightening. Out of the 14 movies Pixar has made, 4 have been sequels, and this is another two slated for release on top of the forthcoming sequel? spinoff? related movie? Finding Dory. That will make seven movies that Pixar has made sequels. Coming from a studio that was built on creative and original storylines, that’s a lot more than I would expect.

While my inner fangirl screams at the idea of another Incredibles (one of the most underrated Pixar movies in my opinion), my brain wonders what is going to happen with this. And in another corner of my heart, I miss the old Pixar. I want another Merida. I want Marlin and Nemo’s adventure to stay what it was. I want another unlikely hero, a thrilling tale, clever comedy and a plot I can sink my teeth into. I want more boundary pushing. I want a full length film animated with 3D and 2D combined (it’s gorgeous and if you don’t believe me watch Paperman).

I want more than a sequel, and I want more than Disney pandering for my money out of brand loyalty or out of a love for something I cherished in the past. I know you’re capable of it Pixar, I’ve watched you do it for almost 20 years now. Demand that Disney let you tell your stories, and demand that the public appreciate them for their depth, sincerity, and pure genius that they are.