The Mixtape

First and foremost, Hello! I am a new blogger here at arts, ink and I am thrilled to have an outlet to share my love of music, film, and art through. My name is Cait and I’m ready to get into it and get some feedback from you all.

Music is my safety–a realm I always feel secure and welcome in. It is what one might call “my jam” (pun intended.) As such, I can’t think of a better first post to introduce myself through than a hopefully recurring segment called “The Mixtape” in which I share a few of my favorite songs at the time. These could be new underground EPs or some throwbacks to 70’s rock that your dad can attest to the coolness of. Without further ado, here is this week’s grocery list for your ears:

  1. Electric Love by BØRNS
  2. Let My Baby Stay by Mac Demarco
  3. Midnight by Kodaline
  4. Talking Backwards by Real Estate
  5. Agoraphobia by Deerhunter

This is a decidedly mellow (save #1) playlist. These are the kinds of songs I would let simmer in the background while I make my bed with my window open. It’s that kind of feel-good-Sunday-morning shit. These songs give me that waking-up-naturally feeling when the sun sifts like sand through the blinds in your bedroom at home while the house is quiet and the day is yours.

Light an incense, change your underwear from last night’s escapades, pop an aspirin, you don’t have to brush your hair, but sit back and let these songs melt over you.

