
On a rainy Sunday afternoon I decided to give you a call.

Brrringgg… Brrringgg…Brrringgg…



Flustered, my insides burst into shingles of confetti,

Wrapping the curly cord around my finger, I was beyond elated

that you finally answered me!

“Yeah, hello Jay it’s Alicia from the train station last week…

remember you gave me those directions to the post office…

the one with the pixie haircut and the winged eyeliner!

Well listen, anyway, I was just calling to say thanks, you know for the help,

you don’t really meet a lot nice people like you these days.

Once I was lost in the deserts of Arizona,

gosh it was hot and my car broke down and not one person would stop and

help me out, it was terrifying really…

but you

you stopped right before you had to get on the 23rd street train you were such a sweetie for it!

My sister, her name’s Laurie you’d love her when you meet her, she always says there’s no good men in the city

and I told her, I said “Laurie, what you need is to get out of your house for more than 30 minutes and then we’ll talk”

HahahAHahaaha am I right Jay?!

Anyway, I just have to repay you, how about a—


“Haha you’ve got my voicemail, gets them every time. Please leave your name and number and I’ll

get back to you as soon as I can. Thanks!

After the tone please record your message. Beeeeeeep.”