Making Snowflakes

Yesterday, I ate my first snowflake of the season.

I figured it was about time.  What I like the least about Michigan winters (at least on this side of the state) is that we always have the cold necessary for snow and then we never get it.  I didn’t even get the chance to go sledding last year! And the first glorious snowfall I experienced this year did not even coat the ground.

Bound and determined to have some snow around here I gathered up my packet of printer paper and scissors and made my way downstairs into the living room and started folding and cutting.  Only to realize that my great snowflake making skills simply produced giggles from my roommate and a mess on the carpet that will take forever to clean with the vacuum-whose-motor-is-smaller-than-my-camera.

But that’s fixed now and I bring you a Snowflake How-To:

1) Start with a square piece of paper.  If you don’t have one, make one.  Fold the sheet into a triangle.  There should be some extra stuff hanging off the end.  Just cut it off.

2) Fold into smaller triangles. The only limit is how many times you can fold the paper.

3) Start cutting random shapes into the sides of the triangle.  If you want a hole in the middle of your snowflake, cut the tip off of the triangle where it doesn’t open.

4)Unfold the paper and congratulate yourself!


If you want a more delicate snowflake, cut out a large chunk of the triangle’s center.
delicate closed delicate open

If you want a more rounded snowflake, cut off the end of the triangle so it’s curved.
round closedround open

Enjoy! Put them on your windows and doors, or even your roommate while they’re sleeping if you’re feeling a little too nice this holiday season. ^_~

And if you lack the paper, you can always make some online here.

Your snow loving blogger,



I'm a junior majoring in Communications and going for a minor in Global Media Studies. I love art, watching and creating, and have a really big weakness for chocolate. And German tea, what they have is much better than ours.

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