Archaic Events in the Modern World

Blogging is synonomous with twittering, facebooking and myspacing (although, I think Myspace is outdated even in this new technological world.)  These three verbs are recent introductions to the English language and holistically represent the consumption of the technological world.

These forms I am referring to are linked with sharing tidbits of information about who you are and what you do.  Status updates and blogs such as this reveal personal thoughts and actions in my life.

The great thing about Facebook and Blogs is that you get to meet somebody without a face-to-face interaction.  You are able to learn about those around you through their words.  If you like what they are saying, seek them out and meet them in person.  Some call this stalking; I simply call it resourceful selection.

This introduction leads me to tell you the point of this here blog today.  I will tell you something about the events in my life that I want to share with you.

This past week I utilized one of the many events this enormous campus has to offer.  I went to the University Musical Societies Orchestra concert, where I contently found myself partaking in an archaic pastime.

Instrumental concerts are like entering a time machine and going back 200 years.  You don’t worry or bother with your cell phone, computer, or any other electronic device.  You are meant to sit back and listen with your ears and eyes to the musical cohesion coming from man made, cordless, batteryless instruments.

You are able to close your eyes and picture yourself in any antiquity setting.  It’s the one activity I have found that can really remove you from your reality and into another world.

Amongst all the technology, attending concerts are still extremely revered and will hopefully never be outdated.

Have a great week!

Sara majors in Art History and enjoys long walks.

Sara Olds

University of Michigan Student interested in mobilizing the arts in the community

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