Concert Preview: The Friars!

Yesterday I had the pleasure of getting up close and personal with one of UM’s most beloved a cappella groups – THE FRAIRS! The guys who are known for musically musing about North Face Girls and Seasons of Beer visited my dorm for a quick preview of their upcoming concert and it was fantastic! Not only did they perform some serious tunes (one was about how mundane life is – especially good to hear during preparations for finals), but they also sang one of my new favorite tunes, Facebook Me. However, in addition to displaying their vocal virtuosity, these boys showcased their smooth moves. Yep, they can sing AND dance (can’t you hear the girls of MCB swooning in the background?!) Suffice to say, it was a highly entertaining way to spend an evening and I definitely suggest that you all pencil in their concert this Friday night (8 pm at Rackham) into your busy schedules. Yeah it might cost a couple of bucks, but at least it will be more culturally satisfying than watching reruns of the Jersey Shore on TV.


I am a sophomore in LSA (planning on majoring in English with a minor in Women Studies) from out of state (can you guess where?) whose current obsession with the show Modern Family may prevent the successful completion of this term.

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