These are a Few of My Favorite Things

With my Undergrad degree coming to a close in the next two weeks, mixed with moving away from Ann Arbor in a little over a month, I am left feeling like there are not enough minutes in the day to do all that I want.  Therefore, I have compiled a list of things I am going to miss about the beautiful place called Ann Arbor.

1.     Porch parties in the sun on any given day of the week and at any time of the day.

2.     Walking to a movie theater.

3.     Living with my best friends.

4.     Living in a liminal space.

5.     Getting lectured about art.

6.     Watching people interact in a college setting.

7.     Sleeping in on the weekdays.

8.     Going out on the weekdays.

9.     Running into your friends on the street.

10.  Not relying on a car and having the freedom to walk everywhere.

11.  My porch swing.

12.  Getting free food.

13. Writing my weekly Arts Ink Blog.

14. Being surrounded by people who are making the Michigan Difference.

I bleed Maize and Blue through and through.  Go Blue!

Sara Olds

University of Michigan Student interested in mobilizing the arts in the community

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