I’m Thankful For…

Here it is.  My Thanksgiving list, specific to theatre:

  • Those who have come before me and paved the way.  Looking at you, Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller, Tony Kushner, Sarah Ruhl, Laura Schellhardt.
  • Seeing my first play produced in my hometown.  It was surreal and I am unbelievably lucky to have had that privilege.  Something many of us have to wait years for.
  • My talented friends and professors who inspire me daily.
  • New work.  It is invigorating and vital.  I am glad it exists, and I am glad that there are places in this country (the O’Neill, Humana Festival, The Lark) that are fostering it and ensuring that our theatre will have a future.
  • Artistic dialogues.  I joined the Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas listserv this year, and it is one of the best decisions I’ve made.  Every day, I get a nerdy little e-mail sent to me containing brilliant dialogues between dramaturgs who are sincerely enthusiastic about their work.
  • The close-knit theatre community.  In theatre, they always say, “It’s all about who you know,” and I believe that is 100% true.  What’s more true is that whoever you know will know someone else.  Everyone knows everyone.  It’s like living in a small town. It may feel stifling at times, but in the end it’s very comforting to know that if you make great friendships with other artists, they’ll do their best to make sure you are taken care of.  Theatre is a scary profession, but there’s always something out there who’s got your back.
  • The theatre department.  My classmates, my professors, other professors who I don’t have any more but who still sit down and talk with me about life.  I get to feel like my voice is valued and respected.  The support here is incredible, and because of that I am able to do the most important thing for a young theatre professional.  I can take risks.  Special shout out to my program, the BTAs!
  • Basement Arts. I know it may seem shmaltzy, but if I hadn’t gotten on board a Basement Arts show my first year at this university, my experience would have been entirely different and not nearly as happy.  It’s how I made my first friends in the department, and I got to do it while defying what I thought possible of three weeks of rehearsal and a tiny theatre.  I am consistently amazed by the work done by Basement, and I am glad that my participation in it has stretched my three years here.
  • Having the great advantage of knowing that this is what I wanted to do since I was seven years old.
  • All of my theatrical homes, and there have been several.  Whenever I think of a place I feel safe and centered, I think of a theatre.  I know I am lucky to have that, and I am so thankful that I have always had a theatrical home.

Sorry if this seems a little self-centered or self-indulgent, but I hope it at least got you thinking about what you’re thankful for.  Artists have to constantly step back and think of what they’re thankful for so they have fuel to keep going.  Happy Thanksgiving!

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