Finals Pressure? Art Relief

I’m certain that there is nary a student at the University who is not feeling the stresses, pressures, and struggles that final exams present. You’re either a freshman, going through the insomnia for the first time, unsure what to expect, where to study or how much to study. You’re a sophomore, and you now care about your grades, you regret not caring nearly as much when you were a freshman, and now you realize you need an internship and well, your grades matter. You could be a junior and, well, reality has likely struck and not only are you intimately aware that your grade matters, but potentially, whatever internship you had this coming summer could offer you a job, and bingo, here life swings.

And there then are the seniors. A fourth are graduating this semester, a fourth are taking a kind 9 credits, and a fourth already have job offers. And there then is the last fourth, the fourth that is applying to graduate school, petrified that their grades of this semester will be the final decision makers, or those who do not yet have jobs and are just as terrified that these grades will be the ones that will or will not ensure their job placement. Of which, the latter fourth, I am a part of.

It’s my seventh time dealing with the finals grind, but somehow, it’s never gotten any easier. Instead, it only seems to get more and more overwhelming – the insurmountable pressures that hold for seniors, realizing that real life is around the corner, every grade, every test, every moment matters.

And so, just when the pressure is about to make me burst, I remember the one thing that I can always count on to make me happy – art. I’ve created a folder on my desktop of my favorite works, over 100, that I just sift through when the pressure makes my throat constrict, my palms sweat, and my knees shake. I hate finals, but hey, at least there’s beautiful art to lessen the pain.

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