Inked Up

People have a lot to say about tattoos. They’re ugly, they’re trashy, they’re awesome, they’re addictive, and so on. Regardless of the critiques, tattoo art has rapidly become one of the most consumed and mass displayed art forms of the 21st century.  Is body art considered art at all? If so it is certainly thought of on the lowbrow spectrum. However, things are changing. Where before you’d be lucky to get a job with a tattoo, it is now much more socially acceptable, and honestly, thank goodness. I’ve seen some of the most artistic amazing tattoos at concerts, coffee shops, and just surfing the web. Tattoos are an amazing form of self-expression and individuality. It’s also a great employment opportunity for so many talented artists. Art has become so easy to access; I can buy a Van Gough Starry Night exact replica poster online for $20. Artists are passionate and talented, but there’s not a whole lot of ways for them to make steady income in society these days. I personally have yet to get a tattoo, but I’m excited to make a choice about how I want to look and represent myself with color and art. Here are some incredible tattoos that I’ve found in my exploration.

The day I saw this one was the day I was sure I wanted to get a tattoo. The detail of the scene is just unbelievable, it looks like a place I’d want to go and it’s all just ink. Even skeptics really can’t deny how artistic this is.


What’s even better than tattoo art? Tattooed art. It’s incredible that someone could totally replicate Picasso’s Guernica in this way on something as small and round as an arm. An arm is nothing like a flat canvas, but the amazing attention to detail takes what could have been a disaster into something incredible.

This one is surprisingly one of my favorites. I used to think there was nothing worse than a tattoo of a girl, or any person for that matter. I just couldn’t see why anyone would want to get someone else’s face permanently tattooed on their body. That was how I felt until I saw this. I think it’s the combination of the fact that it’s on a girl’s arm instead of a guy’s and that it’s so extravagant that I fell in love with this tattoo.

As with any art, you like what you like and you don’t what you don’t, but an open mind about tattoos in this modern world can be really eye opening into a unique branch of art, culture, and creativity. I give major credit to all of the artists who created these and many other brilliant works of tattoo art.

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