TEDxUofM Poster Projects

Yesterday our campus saw the 5th annual TEDxUofM conference– a showcase of ideas, energy, innovation and new ways of learning. The full-day long event drew in over 1,000 people and featured over a dozen different speakers and performers, talking about everything from curing diseases to puppet-theater workshops in public high schools. Each year, several seniors in the school of Art & Design create a poster that relates to the conference’s theme, to be shown on the day of. This year’s theme was “Against The Grain,” and the following artists contributed posters: Cori Lewis, Dave Eppig, Ellen Wolbert, Leah Backo, Leah Whiteman, Madalyn Hochendoner, Margaret Hitch, Mary Clare Harrington, Meggie Ramm, Sarah Brennan, Tarah Douglas, and Taylor Ross. See all of their amazing work below!


Cori Lewis_TedxUofM Poster Project 2014 TRossPoster tumblr_inline_n2g4cqwuJe1r5u0a9 SONY DSC tumblr_inline_n2g4buAcf71r5u0a9 tumblr_inline_n2e8saANFa1r5u0a9 tumblr_inline_n2e8rqpLG81r5u0a9 SONY DSC tumblr_inline_n2e8qheyfW1r5u0a9 tumblr_inline_n2cdkhK0Qy1r5u0a9 Untitled-2 SONY DSC

Alex Winnick

Alex is a senior at Michigan. He studies English, environmental sustainability, and methods of being funny. He enjoys riding his bike, drinking cold water and tutoring. He would like to see a world in which everyone helps each other as much as they possibly can.

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