Please Turn Off All Cellphones While I Watch The Grand Budapest Hotel, it is too Delightful to Miss a Moment

After having missed my opportunity to indulge in the latest Wes Anderson film this weekend, I waited eagerly to this day, to finally walk down the street to the State Theatre to finally quench my thirst. Fortunately, I was blessed with what the average student at this point in the semester is unluckily lacking: free time. Thus explaining my choice let alone chance to view a film on a Wednesday night.

I am writing this minutes after my viewing has ended, and quite honestly, the last thing that I remember is how virtually everyone cleared the theatre and did not stay for the credits. As the viewers left, of course they talked and what not. Not to mention that they talked when the first scene was playing out and also someone in front of me annoyingly turned on their bright fucking smartphone in the middle of the movie. Please don’t. But anyways, to say that I eavesdropped is distasteful but I of course overheard various conversations regarding opinions about The Grand Hotel Budapest. Terms such as “Wes Andersony” were thrown around casually. It seems as if the analysis of a Wes Anderson film has been simply restricted to his name changed into an adjective. Which oddly quite concise yet very limiting and paradoxically expansive. While being just one adjective, it still manages to encapsulate in a person’s mind, the vast styles and quirks of a Wes Anderson film.

I laughed while watching this film, quite possibly, I laughed more during this film than any other viewing of a Wes Anderson film. Possibly because the humour was much more aligned with my taste, or it could have been as something as silly as the state of my mood. Which was…happy with a twist of restrained excitement so as to not ruin and overhype the experience that I was about to undergo. But regardless, at the end of the 100 minute film (how cute that it is exactly 100 minutes), I felt more than happy. In fact, I am still thinking about it. Perhaps thinking is not the right word, rather, I am just purely feeling it and quite honestly, I feel that I am not sharing it properly with whomever is reading this blog post.

Let me tell you this then, in an attempt to persuade you to head on over to the State Theatre this week or weekend. It has been a long time since I have been so pleasantly pleased by a movie. It is not a feeling of hyperbolic excitement and brain-dead zealous fanboy extravaganza. Instead, it is a tamed enjoyment that lasts far longer and is undoubtedly far more concrete. It is a delightful film that I will most definitely go see again sometime this week.

Trust me, I cannot think of any recently made movie that I wanted to go see again. This is not really an extensive review of an sort and I will not write about this film ever again. So please just go watch the bloody film and enjoy it for yourself.

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