Happy Days During Finals

In the midst of finals taking and paper writing (and staying up till 4 am and crying), there is always been one thing I can count on.


I’ve talked a LOT about music over my time here as a blogger, and though I’m not proud of the fact that my interests are sometimes less diverse than I’d like them to be, it just goes to show that one thing you can always count on me for is that I love music.

But tonight, for some odd reason, an atypical song popped into my head.

Now, I say atypical because it’s just not the typical song I go to when I’m stressed or I have a 40 page portfolio due tomorrow. Usually I’d be playing some variation of Dustin O’Hallaran’s music, maybe if I’m in the mood for lyrics I’ll turn on Magnolia by Young & Sick (which, Spotify informed me today, was my most played song in 2014. Uh, yay?).

But instead, this song came up. I’m guessing it’s because it sounds kind of like a Christmas song, with its soaring, gentle, but major melodies (major, as in the music key, not as in major, like major grade).

And I’m glad it did. I will have to admit, I hold a fondness for musicals and the type of songs you find in them. I love a good rock opera (The Toxic Avenger anyone?), but nothing can beat me belting out SOMEBODY BEING IN LOOOOOOOOOVE WITH ME in the shower when I’m sure that no one’s around. I love a good show tune.

Which is why I’m embarrassed that I found this lovely duet through Glee. But hey, the journey doesn’t matter, right? Just the ending? Right? Yeah that’s what the Hobbit was about.

So, even though this is shorter than my typical post (and later…oops….shhhhhh it’s not midnight I don’t have a portfolio due tomorrow yeah I’m almost done), here it is – a fantastic duet with two amazing actresses and singers, two of the greatest of the 20th century, singing a song that will hopefully get you through your finals.

Forget your troubles
Happy days
Come on get happy
Are here again
You better chase all your cares away
The skies above are clear again
Shout hallelujah
So lets sing a song
Come on get happy
Of cheer again
Get ready for the judgement day
Happy days are here again


Jeannie Marie

A Venn Diagram of hipster music, sappy romantic comedies, nerd culture, adorable puppies, film trivia, totally not rigged awards shows, random illustritive quotes with a dash of not-quite-there-yet charm.

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