Selma and the Academy Awards

Almost exactly a year ago, I made a post that will end up being eerily similar to this one. Why, you may ask?

It is, once again, AWARDS SEASON.

*cue excited music*

Okay, okay, I have a confession. Yes, I love awards season, and yes, I’m still excited to see who will win. But something just isn’t right this year.

As you may have heard, Selma got majorly snubbed in the noms for the Academy Awards this year. And I’m not particularly happy about that.

First, before I say anything else, I want to reiterate that I am, in fact, a white female, and thus am speaking from a view of someone who is privileged, and I try to acknowledge that as much as possible. But all I ever want to be, both writing these columns and in my everyday life is honest. And honestly, this is not okay.

Last year, I watched the Academy Awards, and when they called the name of Lupita Nyong’o, I could literally see the joy and surprise she felt when they called her name. I beamed when she acknowledged what an amazing opportunity this was, how she instantly became a role model, just like actresses like Audrey Hepburn and Amy Adams became for me.

And yet now, are we really going to take a step backward from that? Frankly, I’m not surprised, but immensely disappointed at the Academy. I have yet to see Selma (though you can bet I’m planning on it), but even without seeing it I already know what a phenomenal movie it is.

All I can say is America, we can do better.

Okay, now that that’s over with, I present my picks and favorites for the Academy Awards 2015 in the major categories. Feel free to disagree in the comments…I’m actually really excited to do this publicly, because I’ve always made my picks, but usually just told my mom right before they announce the winner.

Also, disclaimer, if you didn’t read my post from last year, I also try and challenge myself to see every best picture/best actor/actress nominated movie, because they aren’t movies I typically see in my casual movie-going habits (that would be How to Train Your Dragon 2…I mean…what…who said that…). So, something to keep in mind, I probably haven’t seen the movies I pick. So…make of that what you will.

Best Picture:
Pick: The Grand Budapest Hotel
Favorite: Boyhood

Best Actor:
Pick: Michael Keaton, Birdman
Favorite: No particular favorite

Best Actress:
Pick: Julianne Moore, Still Alice
Favorite: No particular favorite

Best Supporting Actor:
Pick: Edward Norton, Birdman
Favorite: Ethan Hawke, Boyhood

Best Supporting Actress:
Pick: Laura Dern, Wild
Favorite: Patricia Arquette, Boyhood

Animated Feature Film:
Pick: The Tale of Princess Kaguya
Favorite(s): How to Train Your Dragon 2, Big Hero 6

Best Director:
Pick: Richard Linklater, Boyhood
Favorite: Richard Linklater, Boyhood

Jeannie Marie

A Venn Diagram of hipster music, sappy romantic comedies, nerd culture, adorable puppies, film trivia, totally not rigged awards shows, random illustritive quotes with a dash of not-quite-there-yet charm.

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