What Is Art?




What is art, you ask?
Well, thank you very much.
This question is as important,
As it is unanswerable.

Anything can be,
But nothing must be.
Some of it shouldn’t be,
And some of what isn’t, should.

But who is to say what is art,
And what’s not?
Nobody can,
And everyone must.

If you can’t differ art,
From what’s not,
You can’t differ the smart,
From the lot.

In art,

We can only be critics for ourselves,
But not our own critics.
I mean, is this art,
Just because it is written in verse?

It is up to you to decide.
I for myself, can’t answer that question.
Because I to myself, have asked that same question.


Remember to be the weirdest you can possibly be.

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