Why I’m Thankful for the Arts

The arts have changed my life. They shape the way I think , speak, and live. Here are the top four reasons I’m thankful for them this year:
1.) They force me to try things I never thought I would try.
Growing up, I never dreamed that I would be able to live and study in cities across the country and the world. From Los Angeles to Chicago to New York, I have gotten to explore so many new places. The people I’ve met, the food I’ve tried, the experiences I’ve had surely would not have happened if I wasn’t dancing.
2.) I am constantly discovering new things about myself.
The arts constantly push me to be the best version of myself. I am constantly striving to be better than I already am, and in doing so, have discovered that I am capable of so much more than I ever imagined.
3.) They’ve taught me the value of patience and hard work.
Improvement doesn’t happen over night. Practice feels tedious after a while, and it’s easy to get frustrated when you feel like you’re not making any progress. I’ve had to learn that hard work takes time, and patience will help you reap those benefits.
4.) They’ve made me into the person I am today.
The arts inform everything about me: the way I dress, the way I speak, the way I think. I would not be the best version of myself without them in my life.

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