Reasons to Love Black Panther

Recently, I had the opportunity to watch the movie Black Panther. I am an avid fan of all superhero movies, so I was especially excited to watch this one. I had already heard great reviews from my family and friends, and it truly did not disappoint. Here’s why:

1.) There’s a believable villain: in many superhero movies, the bad guy’s character is simply that: bad. There’s so backstory, no reason, he (or she) is just a bad person. However, in Black Panther, the antagonist gets a backstory that is fleshed out, believable, and humanizing. It was refreshing to see a villain portrayed as a human.

2.) The women. T’Challa might be king, but the women that surround him are equally as strong and powerful. From his sister and mom to his all-female squad of warriors, the women in Black Panther are not afraid to be confident. They are unapologetically excellent at what they do, and while they do fall in love and have lives, they are individual beings all on their own.

3.) The diversity. Seeing a movie with a cast made up of primarily people of color was so needed and so amazing. It’s said over and over again that it’s important to see more diversity on the silver screen, and its true. To see a superhero and his team as a group of people of color was very empowering.

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