John Cena and the Complexities of Man


[Cue high-energy intro music here!]

John Cena, a professional WWE wrestler and actor, is also known for his charisma and unexpected sweetness, thus drawing appreciation from fans around the world. He is a diamond in the rough, an example of a superstar who uses his talent and celebrity to better others’ lives while still having a fun time.

Originally portraying a trash-talking rapper, WWE promoted him to face of the company, shifting his character to a Superman archetype. He has acted in numerous films and regularly guest stars on TV shows. Cena also speaks Mandarin (which he learned to help WWE expand internationally) and in 2005 released an album titled with the popular catchphrase “You Can’t See Me,” showcasing his many talents.

John Cena is also known for his philanthropy, working on causes such as the Make a Wish Foundation, where he has granted the most wishes in history (500!). Turning his brolic character into a multidimensional person capable of being both strong and sensitive, badass, and compassionate, I honestly wish more celebrities were like John Cena.


Student at the University of Michigan studying Art & Design and Communication & Media, hoping to create meaningful design for social impact. Every week I highlight an intriguing artist (or group of artists)!

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