Marge Makes Comics #3: The Myth of the Tortured Artist

Hey again y’all! I’ve been thinking a lot about how to take care of myself and how to find balance between self-care and getting work done with the end of the year fast approaching. And also how mad the “tortured artist” myth makes me. Hope you enjoy it.

What works make you bawl like a baby? What works make you motivated to take care of yourself? I wanna know!!!!


Marge is an art and writing student with a passion for talking about movies at people. She also loves chilling in the arb, comics, and collecting weird little cat figurines from Vault of Midnight. Purchase her work here:

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1 Comment on "Marge Makes Comics #3: The Myth of the Tortured Artist"

1 year 11 months ago

I thought he painted Starry Night while in a period of mania, which I can tell you from personal experience is the opposite of “well”