A Great Halloween Week

A lot happened this week! I assistant costume designed a student org show (Rude Mechanical’s production of Eurydice if any of you saw it) which opened this weekend. I didn’t have a lot of homework this week which was great. And of course, it was Halloween as well.

Now because I was in rehearsal for Eurydice Halloween night, I had made no Halloween plans and had no costume. But as soon as I got out of rehearsal around 11 I knew that I wanted to do something for Halloween. I realized I had never seen a horror movie before, so I texted a bunch of friends to see if they wanted to watch one with me that night. Only one person responded yes, and it ended up being the perfect night!
We set up my dorm room with a blanket on the floor, popcorn and candy, and had a great movie night. We ended up choosing to watch Scream, which luckily wasn’t to scary to watch or anything. And of course after the movie ended we had to watch  The Charlie Brown Great Pumpkin episode to end the night with something not so creepy.

So while this sketch might not be that great, my week really was. I worked for the first time as a costume designer on a show, saw my first scary movie, and had a fun movie night with a friend. I’d say this week was a good way to end off October and enter November!

I hope all of you also had a great Halloween!


Hi! I’m a freshman in the School of Music, Theatre, and Dance, studying Theatre Design and Production. I’m so excited to be studying something that combines my two biggest hobbies: theatre and art. But when I’m not doing either of those, you’ll probably find me reading, exploring the outdoors, or taking a nap. Follow along with my college experience through my blog posts. Thanks for reading!

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