poco piano: sleepy

This week was finals week and I haven’t had a lot of time to play the piano. I would take breaks from writing my portfolio (9,000 word min), and play a little piano to free up my mind from words and precision and give me some respite from the computer screen. The title of this one is “Child falling asleep” by Schumann. It’s a movement from Kinderszenen, “childhood scenes”. I played this throughout the week, just to feel some peace from the flurry of finals.

It’s a bit of a strange piece. One would think that a child falling asleep would be unfailingly sweet yet it seems rather bittersweet instead, almost troubled. The warm major section in the middle seems like dream, slightly out of reach. It’s subdued but peaceful and rocks like a cradle through the night.  It ends unresolved, as if in mid thought—the child drifts off.


Just a pianist;)

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