Looking Forward: Korean Student Association Cultural Show

Happy Friday, everyone!

This week I had the opportunity to interview Sangil Lee and Alice Wou, Cultural Show Co-Chairs for the Korean Student Association. They talked me through what the Cultural Show is all about, how they’re handling the event this year, and their thoughts on the future of KSA. Let’s dive in!

The Korean Student Association is a multifaceted group that, in normal years, is busy hosting Necto nights, selling Korean snacks on Pepero Day (November 11), and putting together events to celebrate Korean culture. One of their biggest annual events is their Cultural Show. Held in February, it features a showcase of Korean-related student organizations on campus as well as a self-produced K-Drama (which, from my conversation with Sangil and Alice, seems to be one of their most anticipated projects). 

The group was fortunate last year to hold their cultural show before campus shut down, making this year the first time the event has been majorly adjusted due to COVID. And, although the Cultural Show won’t be happening in-person this year, KSA still has exciting things planned. 

“With regard to the cultural show,” Sangil explained, “for this year we’ve decided on what we pushed it back a month later than it normally would be but we decided to stream it either on, like, twitch or zoom or something, and just have it be free for anybody to attend. But we’ve still invited all of the cultural orgs to send in a video for us to stream, and we’re still in the process of creating our drama.”

If you’re interested in getting involved with KSA’s Cultural show, Sangil and Alice recommend getting involved with the Cultural Show Committee. This is the group that typically plans out the show, creates the script for the K-Drama, and figures out the logistical pieces of the planning process. If you’re a freshman, you can apply to be a freshman representative for the committee. They accept about three freshman representatives per year; the position allows them to learn from the board members, help out with the event, and serves as a sort of training ground for KSA leadership in the future. For more information, you can contact them via their MaizePages and keep up to date with their events via Instagram.

That’s all for me this week! Thanks so much for reading – now go out and enjoy the sunshine!

Stay safe + stay healthy, 


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