Scribble #3: Spellbound

“You hear laughter cracking through the walls.”

As I sit down to write this blog, I struggle. This time it isn’t particularly difficult to write due to an intimidating feeling I am experiencing. I am not having a hard time putting a personal topic into words. After a fun-filled, cathartic weekend of catching up with friends and taking care of myself, I find myself struggling to formulate a blog that concerns music and my emotions. Music is one of the ways I process my sadness, anger, stress, and/or feeling lost, and this past weekend I haven’t experienced much of that. I happen to struggle with my worst bouts of writer’s block and artist’s block when I lack these emotions, so today’s blog will be something different.

“It sends you spinning, you have no choice.”

Although I didn’t go home for fall break, I would argue that these few days off were just as restorative for me as if I had. It gave me time to spend with friends who I hadn’t seen much of this semester. It seems like classes and studying have taken over our lives now that most things are finally in person, for better and for worse. Luckily, I had minimal work to do over break, so it was the perfect chance to catch up with my friends without the shadows of deadlines and pending exams hanging over our heads. Instead of worrying about what studying needed to get done, I was able to be fully present and enjoy every minute spent with my friends.

“Following the footsteps of a rag doll dance,”

I can’t tell you the last time I was as happy as I was while dancing to Spellbound by Siouxsie and the Banshees with my best friend this past weekend. We were enjoying each other’s company and the music we both love, and, in that moment, I felt like I was exactly where I was supposed to be. This is a feeling that is incredibly valuable to me in the constant turmoil of “growing up” and the long and never-ending process of figuring out who I am.

“We are entranced; spellbound.”

This week’s blog might have taken a bit more time and creativity than usual, but knowing that this is because I have been at peace with myself makes me hope I have many more weeks of this type of creative block to overcome.

Listen to Spellbound here:

Sydney Braun

University of Michigan Class of 2024. Pronouns: she/her. Double Major in Environment and Communication & Media. Huge fan of 80s/90s music, not a fan of single-use plastic water bottles. Be sure to check out Song Scribbles With Sydney, where I use my favorite music to help analyze my emotions and experiences at college, posted every Wednesday!

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