“I turn the music up,”
After a very anxious past few weeks, I have started to find peace within myself again. This peace has coincidentally lined up with a week of unseasonably warm and sunny weather in Ann Arbor. Seeing the sun and not being freezing every time I step outside has been very healing (even though I’m not happy to know that this is climate change at work). The change in my internal attitude and the external weather has prompted me to listen to some of the music that makes me feel happiest.
“I got my records on.”
Coldplay is my go-to happy band, another band that my mom and I have connected through. When listening to their upbeat songs, I can’t help but feel energized and grateful. Walking around campus with this music in my ears and the sun on my face has been fantastic, and to make things even better, this week I got accepted into grad school!
“From underneath the rubble sing a rebel song.”
No matter how dreary and anxious I may feel, this week proves that those feelings aren’t permanent. The sun does come back out – metaphorically and literally. It’s the moments of stress and anxiety and sadness that allow me to be even more grateful for the happy and love-filled moments that I am fortunate enough to experience. Life goes on, and regardless of how I may feel in a moment, in my experience, life remains a beautiful, exciting thing.
“Don’t want to see another generation drop.”
That being said, though life ebbs and flows, I’m thrilled to feel like I’m starting the journey back to my usual positive self – I feel more at peace that way. I’m looking forward to the nice weather this weekend and spending time outside in Ann Arbor with some of my closest friends. Here’s to more acceptance, growth, and positivity this semester!
Listen to Every Teardrop is a Waterfall by Coldplay here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Kf_6BWcOOg
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