A Great Halloween Week

A lot happened this week! I assistant costume designed a student org show (Rude Mechanical’s production of Eurydice if any of you saw it) which opened this weekend. I didn’t have a lot of homework this week which was great. And of course, it was Halloween as well.

Now because I was in rehearsal for Eurydice Halloween night, I had made no Halloween plans and had no costume. But as soon as I got out of rehearsal around 11 I knew that I wanted to do something for Halloween. I realized I had never seen a horror movie before, so I texted a bunch of friends to see if they wanted to watch one with me that night. Only one person responded yes, and it ended up being the perfect night!
We set up my dorm room with a blanket on the floor, popcorn and candy, and had a great movie night. We ended up choosing to watch Scream, which luckily wasn’t to scary to watch or anything. And of course after the movie ended we had to watch  The Charlie Brown Great Pumpkin episode to end the night with something not so creepy.

So while this sketch might not be that great, my week really was. I worked for the first time as a costume designer on a show, saw my first scary movie, and had a fun movie night with a friend. I’d say this week was a good way to end off October and enter November!

I hope all of you also had a great Halloween!

A Rainy Game Day

I hate being outside in the rain. I think rainy days are meant for curling up in a blanket and spending the day reading a good book. Or watching a movie, safely inside, not getting soaking wet. But for some reason I choose to spend this rainy and cold evening at the football game.

I knew there was an 100% chance of rain, yet I still wanted to go. Maybe because it was a new experience for me, maybe because I had nothing else major going on this weekend, maybe because I didn’t think it would really be that bad.

So there I was two hours before the game, getting ready to go. I piled on six layers (I get cold easily) including my rain jacket and headed out the door, ready to tackle the challenge of facing the rain.

The game was great! It was the first time Michigan actually played well from the start in my opinion (granted I’m definitely not a football expert). Plus there was a ton of energy since we were playing a pretty big team (Norte Dame). But it wasn’t long until the rain somehow soaked through my rain jacket and six layers of shirts/ jackets. So my friend and I left after the first quarter.

This actually ended up being a great decision, because I got the best of both worlds. I got to experience part of the game live and enjoy the school spirit all around, and then when I got back to my dorm room and out of my wet clothes, I watched the rest of the game on my computer, curled up in a blanket just how I love to spend my rainy days.

Sometimes it’s great to get out and do things with a group, but it’s also good to know when it’s best to do things your own way. I’m glad I ended up going to the game because it was really fun. But I’m also glad that I knew when to leave and watch the game how I wanted to, because after having a pretty difficult week, last night made it end on a high note, despite the rain.

New Season, New Experiences, New to College

It’s fall ya’ll.

The season is finally here. The one filled with crisp air, changing leaves, everything pumpkin flavored, hot cider and doughnuts, apple picking, and spending time with friends or family. It’s my favorite season. But it feels so different here than it does back home 8 hours away in upstate New York.

Instead of eating homemade pumpkin ice cream at our local creamery, I’m eating the dining hall’s pumpkin flavored whoopie  pies. Instead of going to corn mazes and on haunted hayrides, I got stuck with a cider mill where you can’t even pick your own apples, and the pumpkins weren’t even grown on the site. Instead of spending my fall birthday with my twin brother, I spent it 439 miles away from him.

That’s not to say I haven’t enjoyed it here. I’ve gotten to decorate one of my classrooms for Halloween and explore the restaurants in Ann Arbor.  Plus being here provides new activities like venturing to the Big House for game days (I thought Michigan was supposed to be good at football?).

I guess the take away from this is just that college is different than home. I knew it would be, but trying to mentally prepare ahead of time doesn’t make it any less of an adjustment. I’ve been here for a month and half now and I’m figuring things out as I go. Whether you’re a freshman like I am, or an upperclassmen,  I’m sure many of you are still figuring stuff out too.

That’s my goal with my posts on this blog this year:  I’ll be creating some kind of doodle along with writing to keep track of events from my freshman year, big or small, that were important to me that week, or taught me something, or were just fun memories. Things that hopefully you can relate to as well. We’ll figure this college thing out together as we go through the year. Hopefully my sketches will improve with the practice too!