Happy Days During Finals

In the midst of finals taking and paper writing (and staying up till 4 am and crying), there is always been one thing I can count on.


I’ve talked a LOT about music over my time here as a blogger, and though I’m not proud of the fact that my interests are sometimes less diverse than I’d like them to be, it just goes to show that one thing you can always count on me for is that I love music.

But tonight, for some odd reason, an atypical song popped into my head.

Now, I say atypical because it’s just not the typical song I go to when I’m stressed or I have a 40 page portfolio due tomorrow. Usually I’d be playing some variation of Dustin O’Hallaran’s music, maybe if I’m in the mood for lyrics I’ll turn on Magnolia by Young & Sick (which, Spotify informed me today, was my most played song in 2014. Uh, yay?).

But instead, this song came up. I’m guessing it’s because it sounds kind of like a Christmas song, with its soaring, gentle, but major melodies (major, as in the music key, not as in major, like major grade).

And I’m glad it did. I will have to admit, I hold a fondness for musicals and the type of songs you find in them. I love a good rock opera (The Toxic Avenger anyone?), but nothing can beat me belting out SOMEBODY BEING IN LOOOOOOOOOVE WITH ME in the shower when I’m sure that no one’s around. I love a good show tune.

Which is why I’m embarrassed that I found this lovely duet through Glee. But hey, the journey doesn’t matter, right? Just the ending? Right? Yeah that’s what the Hobbit was about.

So, even though this is shorter than my typical post (and later…oops….shhhhhh it’s not midnight I don’t have a portfolio due tomorrow yeah I’m almost done), here it is – a fantastic duet with two amazing actresses and singers, two of the greatest of the 20th century, singing a song that will hopefully get you through your finals.

Forget your troubles
Happy days
Come on get happy
Are here again
You better chase all your cares away
The skies above are clear again
Shout hallelujah
So lets sing a song
Come on get happy
Of cheer again
Get ready for the judgement day
Happy days are here again


Headphones Rant, aka I Can’t Stand Earbuds

When I was little-er (like 10 or so), I got a Walkman Portable CD player, either as a gift for Christmas or just as something my parents got me, and I got these really, super comfortable headphones to go with it (not really). I actually still have that Walkman, in the little nook area under my nightstand drawer at home, along with my embarrassingly small CD collection.

When I first got that thing, I was in heaven. My mom often played me her CDs in the car, and we had a decent if not nice stereo system (for the time), along with a turntable for her to play her records. I guess I was 12 or so when I was allowed to use the stereo, and I still remember how, when I opened the cabinet in our entertainment center that held all her CDs, my mind was blown with how many she had. Now that I’m older and taller, the collection doesn’t look as big, but it still makes me smile how those were the CDs she listened to when she was in high school.

In short, my mom loved music, and thus, so do I. There is a deep tradition of car singing and dancing between the two of us, and even though my mom tries to tell me that she’s my mom and not my friend, I know that when it comes to music, she’s happy we both love it the same way, even if our taste in artists now differ.

But back to the Walkman. As someone who grew up with music, and my mom fostering that love by buying me my own CDs (early additions to the collection? Hilary Duff’s CD and the Jonas Brothers’ second ((and best)) album). One clear memory I have with that Walkman was the time my aunt pulled me and my cousin away from Houston and the impending Hurricane Rita, taking us to “safety” (and A/C) in College Station in the middle of the night with everyone else trying to get the heck out of town. What is normally an hour and half, maybe two hour drive quickly turned into a 4 hour trek, and so all I had to lull me to sleep was my trusty Walkman. What makes this memory so vivid, however, is not the long ride or even the music I was listening to, but the headphones.

I absolutely hated those headphones. They drove me insane, especially since they were the kind with the fake cushy things that slide over the hard plastic, and one had fallen off and I had lost it. After my experience with those headphones, and the introduction of the earbud, all the rage and of course all my friends had a pair, I told myself I’d swear off over the ear headphones for good, and besides, they weren’t cool anymore anyways.

So, headphones. All this now leads me to the most random (and ironic) thing ever, which is that I love over the ear headphones now. Frankly, the topic of headphones has been on my mind recently because mine broke right before thanksgiving, and while I now have replacements, they are the dreaded earbuds. What I loved in my childhood has now become what I hate.

And what’s strangest is the fact that there’s a part of me that really really needs over the ear headphones. Like, my inner soul is yearning for it. Which is how this relates to arts, because, well, headphones and music, but also because I’ve never really recognized how crucial my headphones were to my creative process.

I’ve always liked listening to music while I write (case and point: I’m currently listening to “I Got A Boy” by Girl’s Generation), and I’ve always known that music has been a big inspiration for me. My last short story was named after a Phoenix song, and I have not one, not two, but three playlists on Spotify called “writing” (I, II, and III respectively).

But now, even though I have in ears, I feel like I’m missing something, like I’m open and exposed to the world without my over the ear headphones. It’s the strangest feeling, but yet so telling about me and what I value.

Plus, my ear isn’t properly shaped for in ears and it’s annoying as heck to push them back in when it’s 20 degrees outside and I’m walking to class.

So I guess my point is don’t disrespect headphones. I mean really, they’re invaluable, if you love music as much as I do.

Oh, and if you’re curious, I’m saving up money to buy nice headphones instead of the cheap ones I usually get, like Bose or Beats or something. If you have any suggestions, let me know in the comments.

7/11? More like 911

Beyonce has done it again. I am sorry to bring another fangirl post to the blogosphere about, in my opinion, one of the most inspiring and unattainable talents of R&B music, but it has to be done.

The singer released two new bonus records to her latest album Beyonce, entitled “7/11” and “Ring Off.” The songs were meant to be released at a later date, but somehow they got out before their planned release. Thank the heavens they did.

“Ring Off” is a song that seems to be about the singer’s mother and the drama experienced between her father. It’s empowering. She sings to her mother in a loving voice telling her to finally put her “love on top” (a reference to a track from her studio album “4”). The theme coincides with her album’s mission of women empowerment. Going through the ups and downs of her marriage, the singer is consoling her mother and letting her know that it is finally time for her to be happy with this “ring off” of her finger. She can finally be herself and learn from the mistakes that happened in her past. Great song, check it out here!

“7/11” is just what the doctor ordered. The beat follows suit to some of the hits from the current album like “Partition” and “Drunk in Love”. There’s a place to dance, a place to sing, and a place to…rap? Yes, the singer seems to have fallen into her own genre with the Beyonce album in general. Mixing her vocal abilities of singing with the crispness of her speaking voice, she stands in her own lane with this upbeat hit.

The possibly biggest fangirl part of this record is the D.I.Y video she did for it. Check it out below, and then we’ll talk.

Yes, she’s in her underwear 98% of the video. Yes, she’s still amazing. The video showcases her dancing around with, what seems to be her real backup dancers, having fun with the some of the moves they’ve been working on for the track. There’s butt-shaking, there’s a pyramid of bodies, and there’s Blue Ivy for .2 seconds on a bed. I mean, can it get any better than that?

The release of these two records and the music video reminded me of how exciting it can be hearing a great song for the first time or seeing a great video for the first time. Music, especially the mainstream kind, can get old really fast, and it’s always great to have that “wow” moment when something first enters your ears and takes you over. Whatever music you enjoy, I encourage you to try and absorb the moment when you first hear a favorite track or view a favorite video. It’s great for memories because we all know how overexposure is the theme of this generation.

Unabashed Taylor Praise

Okay, so, Taylor Swift. I talked about her in a previous post but honestly I’m not ashamed I’m talking about her again. Why? Because she deserves it. And she’s been making me proud since 1989 dropped.

So I guess first is the album. I’m actually really happy with the way it turned out. I’m especially happy with the longer tracklist of this album, making it definitely worth the wait and a lot more accessible. Not a big fan of the opening track “Welcome to New York”, or you don’t really wanna “Shake It Off”? Well, good news for you, there’s 17 more for you to choose from. I haven’t listened to it enough to give a definite ruling on it yet, but I’m satisfied at the moment, though I’ll always maintain Red is her best record to date.

But really though, I have to admit, half the reason I’m satisfied as much as I am is because of “Blank Space.”

You’ve heard of “Blank Space,” right? Because it’s pretty dang good. Like…really good.

First, there’s the song. It’s midtempo, which is a rarity for casual Swift fans, but hardcore ones will know how well she can pull off a midtempo track (think “State of Grace,” “Tell Me Why,” “Long Live,” etc.). And “Blank Space” is no exception. Her lyrics are also on point as usual, being easy enough to remember to constitute a good pop hook, but also clever enough to surpass one-hit wonder status.

And not just the lyrics are clever, but the whole premise. It’s a dark-humor parody of herself, which actually doesn’t surprise me coming from Taylor – she’s not stupid and she does know everything people say about her – and she’s using her favorite medium to get back at everyone in a really clever and tasteful way.

But man, them lyrics.

Screaming, crying, perfect storms
I can make all the tables turn
Rose garden filled with thorns

I like this verse especially because of the rose garden image, which goes perfectly to my next point, which is the video.

This video guys. This video is it. And it’s why I’m not ashamed to talk about her after one post about her. Because she deserves it.

Now, okay, maybe she doesn’t deserve all the credit since she didn’t actually direct the video. But its no secret that she’s heavily involved in her creative process. And even if she didn’t have any say in how this video went, she wrote the song. The song is a parody of herself. But it also applies to every girl like Taylor, every girl who gets beaten down and ridiculed for being “boy-crazy” or “too clingy” or “too emotional” or any of the thousand ridiculous things girls get ridiculed for.

So, the video. In case you’ve been living under a pile of homework (which, okay, I’ll admit, is very plausible), a quick synopsis: boy comes to Mansion di Taylor, Taylor’s chilling with her cat when ding dong, she meets boy and smiles creepily, boy and Taylor do that dating thing in this abandoned castle thing. Boy texts some other girl, Taylor gets jealous and a little violent, cries a lot if her mascara is any indication, stands on a horse at some point, and scares away the boy because of her “emotions.”

Why I love this video is because the parody goes even further than a parody – it becomes a satire, akin to Jonathan Swift’s “A Modest Proposal.” Taylor isn’t just making fun of her haters, she’s doing exactly what they say she does and exaggerates it to show how ridiculous it is.

Which leads me back to rose garden filled with thorns. Okay, I’m gonna show off my English major skills a bit here and talk about why this line is so brilliant, especially in context of the video. So, if a girl’s a rose, right, she’s pretty, she smells nice, delicate, yada yada stereotypes. But then she has thorns…but she’s not supposed to. She’s supposed to be pretty, perfect. Pretty, perfect things aren’t supposed to have bad things like thorns. But roses are made with thorns…there’s no way to make a rose without thorns, unless you cut them off. They can’ come thornless. So it’s ridiculous to expect a rose to come without thorns.

Now, if you get the metaphor and go WAIT BUT I’M A GIRL AND I’M NOT EMOTIONAL I’M COOL WHATEVER HAHA I DON’T GET EMOTIONAL DON’T STEREOTYPE ME please don’t jump down my throat. I’m not saying all girls identify with this problem, or all girls are like Taylor. You don’t have to be emotional if you’re a girl, just like you don’t have to be emotionless if you’re a boy. But for those of us that are on the emotional side of the spectrum and do get criticized for it, well, this song comes as a much needed relief.

Because calling girls crazy for having emotions, for being normally jealous and sad and possibly even angry…well that’s not cool. And Taylor got it right.

Now, besides all that, I loved this video because of how absolutely gorgeous it is. From her outfits to the setting, the video is so artsy without being like “oh this is artsy because art.” I mean, there is that apple part that I get but not really, but other than that, it’s treated like a piece of art, with the colors and the set and saturation and I love that. Overall, it’s well made, and quality in music videos is something I’ve actually forgotten over the years, since Internet killed the Video Star.

So, there you go. My praise-rant on Taylor’s awesome video/song combo. You go for that 2-1 punch, Tay. I’m proud of you. You’ve grown and gotten complex and you tell those haters. And after, go Shake it Off. You deserve it.

Wake Up, Mr. West

So has anyone noticed the undeniable transformation of Kanye West’s music? Of course you have, what am I saying. To be quite honest, I don’t really know many of Kanye’s new songs from his recent album or follow any of his musical partnerships at the moment. From the few songs that I have listened to, however, coupled with the insane media coverage and his elevated fame and fortune as his family becomes the First Family of Fashion, it is very apparent that he has evolved as an artist. Yet, if I may give my opinion, I would say that it isn’t in a good way.

It hit me like a ton of bricks as I was walking down the street with my music playlist on shuffle. On came the loud yell of a man saying “Wake up, Mr. West, Mr. West, Mr. West…” followed by Kanye’s crisp voice as he flows his way into the start of the song. I hadn’t listened to “Heard ‘Em Say” by Kanye West and Adam Levine in a long time, but the ease that the melody of the song brought to my long walk, the power in the words that made up the song, and the way that Adam Levine’s harmony flowed over the hard beat, made me ecstatic that it came across my ears again. Then, by some mighty force of nature, another Kanye song started as “Heard ‘Em Say” faded from my ears. This time it was “All Falls Down”.  A song that I adored when I first heard it back in 2004. Great melody, great rhymes, great music.

Given all of this greatness that entered my ears on that walk, I became aware of what everyone has been saying about Kanye West’s music. It’s nothing like it used to be. His rhythm, his words, his message, his relatability, in my opinion, has been lost in a mass of his media-influenced life. Now I’m not saying that it is impossible for people to change up what they are passionate about, how they do their craft, and how they project that to the people that appreciate it. However, I would like to say that there was something exceptionally enticing, artistic, poetic, real, and everlasting about Kanye’s music circa early 2000’s. Of course a lot has changed in his life and in the music-age among us, where certain sounds and styles are more popular than the sounds from back then. But isn’t there a way to mesh today with yesterday, Kanye?

The collaborative way in which he mixed old-school R&B artists and tracks with his poetry and rhymes that targeted repressed cultural issues was game-changing. If he were to do that again, it would still be game-changing, considering the lack thereof of rap artists that broach controversial topics in way that’s inviting and fun to the ear.

I think that it is sometimes hard to accept that music has changed from what we’ve remembered it to be when we were young and barely knew what the words meant, to now where we crave beats and words that connect with us. I do enjoy some of Kanye’s latest work like Blood on the Leaves and a few of his verses on other collaborations. I just wish that he was able to connect with whatever greatness that made his old music so unforgettable. Whatever it was, it helped him create true art.

Will The Taylor Swift Fans Please Stand Up?

What am I dancing to right now?

Good question reader! I don’t mind telling you at all.

Or do I?

Well, to be honest…

No, you don’t really want to know.

I know all the words though!

Oops. I wasn’t supposed to tell you that.

Okay okay fine. *Deep breath* I can do this. I’m…right now…I’m listening…well…right now I’m listening to Taylor Swift.

*Dramatic Pause*


Really. There isn’t one thing that’s wrong with that. But why is it that I feel like it’s some big secret that I have to keep so I can retain the right to my cool kid card? Why do I feel like if I tell the guys that live 3 doors down that I like Taylor Swift that they’ll never speak to me again?

Why should they care?

These are the questions I asked when I read Vanity Fair’s article this week in preparation for Taylor Swift’s album release (which, just so you know, came out on Monday).

Now, I’ll be the first to admit that I haven’t been too excited about this album. I’ve seen it on my news feed on Facebook (because of course I liked Taylor on FB, duh), and I know all about the pre-releases of songs and such. But I haven’t really been “pumped.” I’ll probably have to blame this on her abandonment of her country roots. But honestly, after I got over the shock of “Shake It Off” being very non-country, I really, really loved it. So I don’t know what happened.

But now I have to back up. Truthfully, I’ve had a long history with TSwizzle. Cut to middle school, when her first few singles started trickling on the radio. My cousin was in high school at the time and probably knew all the words to the songs on her first album (though she’d never admit it to me), so I got the exposure there, and of course, wanting to be like her, decided that I liked me some TSwift too. And from there, things just escalated. I own I think 3 out of the 5 albums now she’s made? Yeah? And I’ve listened to every one of them. Multiple times. I got to see her when she came to Houston, and I danced to the songs and screamed until my ears rang. Taylor was where it was at.

But then, suddenly, she wasn’t. I never stopped liking her, but then my friends started talking about how shallow she was. How she only talked about her (ex)boyfriends.

So then I guess I bought into the lie. But thinking about it now, some of my best memories have come from Taylor Swift songs.

Listening to “State of Grace” on repeat. Screaming “Our Song” in the bathroom after a competition. That time I was in the car with two 22 year olds who just decided that they should turn down the windows and blast “22” on State Street. While we were stuck in traffic.

And seriously, why should anyone make me feel bad for liking Taylor Swift’s music? Does she torture kittens in her spare time? Is there some sort of mafia affiliation I don’t know about?

No. She doesn’t. And I will seriously punch anyone who tries to tell me that all of her songs are about her ex-boyfriends. Who cares? As TSwift herself pointed out, Ed Sheeran writes about his ex-girlfriends. Bruno Mars too. People have been writing about love and loss for years now. That’s practically all that’s ever on the radio. And yet TSwift gets the dump for that? How is that even fair?

And if I’m being perfectly honest, Red is one of my favorite albums. Period. Do I like all of the songs on it? No. But do I think some of the songs are so much better than anyone ever expected from Taylor? Yes.

So really, the hate on people who like Taylor Swift needs to stop. Do you like her music? If you answered no, that’s perfectly fine. If you answered yes, that’s perfectly fine.

Seriously. It’s just music.

And might I add…it’s pretty good music.

It’s music that I like.

Cuz I like Taylor Swift.

I said it. Deal with it.