Study Hal: Week 36 – Green Thumb

Houseplants are a joy, especially for college students. Hal has had this little snake plant since he moved into his dorm freshman year. He keeps it by the window so it gets a lot of sun, but that doesn’t stop it from being… dramatic. Hal is well acquainted with the theatrics, but his heart still drops every time he finds the poor fella flopped over! Hal knows there isn’t much he can do expect give it a little water and wait for the sun to rise. Does that knowledge stop him from worrying? No, never.

Hal wants me to ask: do you folks name your house plants? Hal feels like he’s had this one for so long that it deserves a name, but he’s not the most creative with names. (For example, he named his childhood dog Sparky.) Leave your suggestions in the comments and Hal will take them into consideration. If you need inspiration, he likes classic horror movies and electrical engineering.

If this is your first time here, welcome! Hal is a U-Mich senior studying remotely from his childhood home. He’s back on Tuesdays, but if you’re craving more, check out the backlog on the Study Hal tag!

The Art of Keeping Plants Alive in College

My windowsill is a small greenhouse, covered end to end in a variety of fascinating plants, each with their own personality. I grew up surrounded by trees and nature, which helps to explain why I have such a fondness and appreciation for plants of all varieties. Plants not only represent growth, life, and survival, but more importantly they each carry their own story, a unique tale that can offer knowledge of life on a smaller, pot size scale. A unique relationship is formed when you’re responsible for life, no matter how small, and the trials and errors that come along with this responsibility have more impact than they might seem. I specifically have 10 plants, comprised of succulents, bonsai, cacti, and a rose bush, the oldest one being a succulent that I’ve had for at least 4 years. I wasn’t always skilled at raising plants however, and I’ve accidentally killed more than I would care to admit (me and bamboo are particularly incompatible, although I’ve tried many times to make it work). Now that I’ve figured out a system that works for me and the plants, I’ve had the confidence to expand my little garden, the most recent addition being the small rose bush which blooms during the winter.

One of my most ambitious and difficult projects is pictured to the left, a square ceramic planter with a sand garden and spot of land just barely big enough for a bonsai tree and a monkey sitting underneath it. The concept was simple: a zen garden combined with a bonsai tree, representing a miniature place of solitude. Originally there were two trees, which I learned the hard way was overly ambitious, and it has also been a struggle to keep the sand separate from the soil, especially when watering the bonsai. Just recently the last tree suffered from the move back to college; a lot of it inexplicably turned brown and fell off, and I was prepared for the worst. But now it is teeming with new life, sprouts up and down, growing rapidly with renewed vigor. The personality of this plant is young, and its story shows that sometimes starting over is the best way to grow into something better.

Each one of my plants has their own story, each of them unique and equally interesting. Although it can be a challenge to take care of them during a busy college schedule, the reward is always worth it and I’m always glad I have them. They offer a reprieve from the city and remind me of the beauty of nature, something that I find is often forgotten about today.

Indoor Home Garden

Winter in the midwest is the time for everyone to stay inside and wait until April before venturing outside, it’s too cold to go outside and play.  In the southern hemisphere winter is the time for people to be outside and enjoy the nice weather. Over winter break I was lucky enough to take a 10 day trip to Ecuador and learn all about food sustainability.  The winter season for them is when they start to plant their crops so that they will grow nice and large for picking season in the late summer.

This got me thinking about planting in the midwest in the winter.  It is too cold to go outside and enjoy gardening, but it is the perfect time to start a small indoor garden of your own.  Some very good indoor plants that are hard to kill are string of pearls, succulents, and prayer plant. Succulents are already very popular and famous for not needing much attention, but these other plants are also easy to keep alive and they will add some color to your room/house.

Other plants are nice to have in your home because they have a purpose.  Some purify the air, some can calm you down. The Peace Lily and Snake plant are great for purifying the air, and they  only need minimum light to keep alive, which is great for winter months when there isn’t much sunlight. Other plants like aloe and lavender are great to have to calm down and help you sleep.

The last type of plants that are great to have indoors all year round are edible plants.  Some herbs that are easy to grow, and can be useful very often are basil, thyme, and parsley.  These plants are easy to grow, and will be very useful when cooking. Another good plant to grow is mint, but that is a little harder to grow inside.

While winter is a time to stay inside, it doesn’t have to be the time to stop gardening.  These are just some of the easiest indoor plants to grow, but there are almost unlimited options to start growing an indoor home garden.