Study Hal: Week 33 – Repetition

Happy Groundhog Day, everybody! Totally unrelated, but… Does anyone else feel like everyday is the same? Hal has settled into something of a routine, which has led to something of a slump. I’ve got to break him out of it, and soon. Maybe we could watch some good classic comedy movies! Any suggestions?

Though the days blend together, Hal and I are trying to keep track of the little things that make us happy through the day, like fun ringtones, good headphones, and coffee. What good things keep your days from blurring together completely?

If this is your first time here, welcome! Hal is a senior at U-M, but he’s studying completely remotely for the year. Come back on Tuesdays to see new videos, or pop over to the Study Hal tag to see his archived adventures.

Study Hal: Week 32 – Workout Routine

Staying physically active is hard, especially being at home all the time, and especially with all this snow. Being so sedentary sparked Hal to make a change! He found a workout game to follow and started off strong… But, he didn’t consider how hard it would get after just a few minutes! He’s still resting. He says he’ll sleep it off.

In spite of online classes, I hope you’re taking time to move your body. Don’t be like Hal, though – start small and make some little changes! Even if it’s an extra trip up the stairs, it makes a difference when you spend all day at a desk. And don’t forget to stretch! It’s helpful even if you haven’t done so many squats that you fell over.

If you’re new here, welcome! Hal is back every week with his experiences studying at U-M from home his senior year. Check back next Tuesday for a new video, or check out the Study Hal tag for the archives.

Study Hal: Week 31 – Dream Destination

Happy first day of classes! Did you enjoy your break? Hal certainly did, but, his transition back to classes was… A little rough. Wouldn’t we all rather be on a beach somewhere? Especially when the alternative is this classic Michigan snow-rain.

Hal and I are sending good vibes for this semester. How was your first day of classes? While it might have been challenging, the bright side is that it’s nice to be back in a routine again. Keep up the great work!

If you’re new here, welcome! Hal is a U-M student studying remotely this year, and graduating with me after this winter! He’s back on Tuesdays with fun adventures, so be sure to check in or to check the Study Hal tag for more.

Looking Forward: 2021

Happy Friday, everyone!

I hope you’ve enjoyed a relaxing couple of weeks off. I’m taking the time to soak up this last week with my roommates before the semester starts.

I arrived back in Ann Arbor a couple of days ago and I have to say it feels like a different place than when I moved here three and a half years ago. Businesses have closed down, the movie theaters are still dark, restaurants and bars are limited to take-out-only. When I walk down Main Street, I no longer see lines for concerts at The Ark or jazz at the Blue Llama. And while I would love to sit in Hill Auditorium and see a Gerswhin show, I know that all of this is to protect our community. 

The past semester felt dark, at times, especially being so rooted in performing arts, but this blog has been a shining light. It has allowed me to speak with some incredible people and hear hopeful stories of how the arts are surviving on campus. I’ve been in awe over the creative ways that academic departments, student organizations, and campus resources have adapted to the challenges this year has presented. They have not only found a way to continue their missions amid a global pandemic, but many have addressed students’ mental health and wellbeing as well as critical social justice issues. We have shown up for one another, and that is a beautiful thing. 

This blog is all about looking towards the future, and the new year is all about that prospect. Of course, we know that 2021 is not a fresh start that will magically solve all the world’s problems, but that doesn’t mean that we cannot also recognize the hope that this year brings. So let us hope that 2021 brings us more community, more creativity, and more compassion. I am so looking forward to having new conversations with resources and organizations on campus, and to hearing how students are “looking forward” this year. 

Til’ next week, 


P.S. If you have any suggestions for organizations/people I should interview – please leave me a comment below!

Study Hal: Week 26 – Refreshed

Like much of the United States, Hal spent last week waiting for election results by constantly refreshing the vote map. When the news came in about our new president-elect, Hal actually felt relieved and refreshed… But it only lasted about 10 seconds. Then he realized how much work piled up while he was worrying about the election results.

It’s been really hard to balance schoolwork with the stress of modern issues. The fight for equal rights and a more democratic and unified country are far from over, but us students have 30 pages of reading and five essays due next week… Hal would like to remind you to be kind to yourself in the coming weeks. He’s working hard to get back on track, but even if it’s slow, it’s amazing to be doing any work at all in a time like this. To all of the students trying to hang in there: amazing job so far, and you’ve got this going forward!

In case this is your first time here, Hal is a U-M student who’s studying remotely for 2020. He’s back on Tuesdays with new adventures, but you can check out all of the previous weeks on the Study Hal tag.

Study Hal: Week 25 – Election Day

Hello from the polls! Hal’s been pretty stressed about the election. But, that anxiety inspired him to be an election official, to help folks vote in person! It’s a good cause, but, like the rest of the election inspectors in Michigan, he had to get up early. (Early enough to be at his precinct at 6 AM!)

If you can vote and you haven’t already submitted an absentee ballot, please try to get out to the polls today! Folks like Hal are there to help you make your voice heard as quickly and safely as possible. Check out The Michigan Daily for info on in-person Ann Arbor precincts, and be sure to get in line before 8 PM in Michigan! On that note, please be kind to your election officials, too! They’ll probably be working until after 10 PM to ensure everything runs smoothly.

In case you’ve missed it, Hal is a U-M student studying remotely this semester! Check out the Study Hal tag to learn more, and see more clips here every Tuesday!