Looking Forward: Meet the Writer

Hello arts, ink readers!

Welcome to my new column here on arts, ink.: Looking Forward. My name is Lucy. I’m excited to get started on my journey as a writer in this space, but first, let me introduce myself. 

I’m a senior in LSA majoring in Communication & Media Studies with a double minor in Performing Arts Management and Writing. That’s a really long-winded way of saying that this blog is right up my alley; I’m really passionate about connecting students with the arts on campus. The talent and resources we have access to while we’re at Michigan are incredible, and I encourage everyone to take full advantage of them during your time here.

I’m currently the co-president of MUSIC Matters, a non-profit student organization that aims to use the unifying power of music to drive social impact in the community. Through our capstone event SpringFest, as well as our programming throughout the year, I’ve been able to see the breadth of work that students on campus are doing in the arts and I hope to help showcase that in this column. I’ve also worked as a Program Assistant for Arts Ambassadors through Arts at Michigan, where I got to learn 

more about the campus resources that are available to students wanting to engage in the arts. 

My professional interests lie in the intersection of arts and community, with special emphasis on diversity and accessibility. I’ve seen how the arts can bring people together, it’s a powerful force. By allowing us to see others’ forms of expression, art encourages us to engage in empathy, which the world could use more of right now. I’m excited to continue advocating for the arts and the connections it can forge throughout my career, wherever it may take me.  

Enough about me, I’m sure you’re curious about what this column is. The goal of Looking Forward is to engage in conversations with arts groups and resources on campus. Every Friday I’ll be spotlighting one, exploring the strategies that they’re implementing to continue their programs and engage with the community during this complex public health, social, and political time. I also want to provide a space where students can access information about how to engage with these arts platforms, whether by participating or viewing since it can feel very decentralized at the moment. Hopefully, you’ll find this column to be a place where you can discover arts resources, reconnect with old favorites, or just learn more about the arts scene on U-M’s campus right now. 

I’m excited to get started. If you have any questions or requests for groups or resources to spotlight, please feel free to leave a comment!

See you next week!


Study Hal: Week 22 – Absentee

Just about everyone has been talking about the upcoming election, and for good reason! It’s important to make your voice heard, and during a pandemic, voting takes extra planning. Hal has had his absentee ballot for a while now. He decided to take a break from studying to fill it in, but he didn’t realize before opening the ballot that there were so many items to vote for!

Though he was tempted to skip the races he didn’t understand, Hal researched every race using the League of Women Voters nonpartisan voter guide. (They have different chapters all over the country! Hal highly recommends finding your local voting guide.) Hal was able to find candidates he agrees with and figure out what the proposals mean. It took him a while to get it all sorted out, but he did it! Tomorrow morning, he’s going to drop off his signed and sealed ballot in the official drop box in front of the city hall. Have you already voted, or do you have a voting plan? Better yet, do you have any voting uncertainties that Hal or I could help you with? Leave us a comment below!

If you’ve missed it, Hal is a student at U-M who’s staying remote for the semester. He’s around every week with a new video, so check out the Study Hal tag to see more!

Study Hal: Week 21 – Home Alone

Hal’s been staying in his childhood home since March, but today was the first day in months that he’s been there all by himself. Though he gets kind of annoyed when other folks distract him from his work, he found himself wandering aimlessly through the house in search of company. He was relieved when someone finally got home with the groceries!

Hal keeps telling me that he’s learning about himself from this pandemic. For instance, he used to think he’d rather live alone than with roommates, but now he thinks now he’d rather have people around more often. What do you think? Have you learned something unexpected from this time at home? Do you want roommates more or less than when this whole thing started?

If you missed it, Hal is a student here at U-Mich. He’s studying remotely this semester from his home in Michigan. If you’d like to see more of his exploits, check back in next Tuesday, or check out the Study Hal tag!

Study Hal: Week 14 – Snooze Button

Hal’s usually a morning person, but lately, he savors sleeping in. He sets multiple alarms and puts his planner next to his bed to keep himself from snoozing all day. Glancing through his planner today, though, it seems like it finally sunk in just how few days until school starts. Hal could have sworn it was still April! Even though Hal’s staying virtual this term, he’s got a few video chat 8:30s, so he’s not wasting any more of his sleep-in days. His advice this week is to rest up and get ready for a semester unlike any other!

Hal is a U-Mich student who’s been staying home all summer, and will be home this semester, too! Check out his weekly exploits through the Study Hal tag.

Study Hal: Week 13 – Tailgating

Despite his nerdy appearance, Hal really loves going to Michigan football games. So, he was rightfully disappointed to hear that fall football was called off. While Hal would rather miss one season to ensure everyone can enjoy many more, he still wanted to find a way to solve his Big House Blues.

That’s when Hal realized there are a ton of games he’s never watched! He broke out the tailgating gear, cooked up some jalepeño poppers, and found an archived game to watch. Today, we watched the Michigan v. Ohio State game from 1977! Hal’s biggest takeaways? The marching band has sped up the tempo of all the songs since then, and the modern helmets are cooler.

If you’re feeling bummed about the sports season cancellations, I highly recommend you try this out yourself! Hal wants to know for next time, what past Michigan football game is your favorite?

In case you’ve missed out on our previous episodes, Hal is a U-M student staying home for the summer of 2020. He’s back every week with something new to share, so search the Study Hal tag for more!

Study Hal: Week 12 – Cooped Up

This weekend we saw some heavy rain. The rain itself wasn’t all bad. Hal enjoyed the time to take it easy and finish up his book! But Hal’s dog, Sparky, was not as excited. He’s used to playing outside, so being inside all day gave him a ton of pent-up energy!

Finding a bright side can be important, too. At least the rain cooled the weather down. Now Sparky can go out and stay out for longer!

Hal’s a U-Mich student who’s around every week to share his experience this summer. Check out the Study Hal tag if you’d like to see more!