Study Hal: Week 31 – Dream Destination

Happy first day of classes! Did you enjoy your break? Hal certainly did, but, his transition back to classes was… A little rough. Wouldn’t we all rather be on a beach somewhere? Especially when the alternative is this classic Michigan snow-rain.

Hal and I are sending good vibes for this semester. How was your first day of classes? While it might have been challenging, the bright side is that it’s nice to be back in a routine again. Keep up the great work!

If you’re new here, welcome! Hal is a U-M student studying remotely this year, and graduating with me after this winter! He’s back on Tuesdays with fun adventures, so be sure to check in or to check the Study Hal tag for more.

Study Hal: Week 30 – Surprise Gifts

Happy holidays, everyone! It’s been a nice and restful break over here. Today, though, a special surprise shook things up: Hal got a late-coming package from his cousin Fil!

Fil started knitting during the first lockdown. Apparently, he’s only been getting better, because he managed to make a whole hat for Hal! It’s not quite the right size and style for Hal’s head? But, it’s the thought that counts. Hal had to call him to thank him for the gift right away.

Did you get any late-arriving surprises from relatives? More likely, did you catch up with loved ones over the phone? However you’re celebrating the end of the year, Hal and I wish you a safe and happy holiday season.

For those of you not in the know, Hal is a U-M student studying remotely this school year! Check out the Study Hal tag for more of his antics, or come back on Tuesdays in the new year for new installments!

Study Hal: Week 29 – To Do

Today was the last regular day of classes! How are all the students out there feeling? Hal thinks it’s bittersweet. He’s happy to be done with his hefty schedule, but he’s going to miss seeing his classmates over the next month.

The strangest thing about today, though? Hal realized today he only has four assignments left this semester. And now that classes are finished, the assignments don’t keep coming! Hal and I are both a little dubious about this. What are we gonna do if we’re not pouring all our time and energy into homework??

Hal sends his best wishes for the students starting finals now. New here? Hal is a U-M student studying remotely for the 2020-2021 school year! He’s back on the Study Hal tag every Tuesday, so come back next week for more.

Study Hal: Week 28 – Cabin Camping

To start the break off right, Hal took a trip to northern Michigan this weekend. He stayed in a cabin with Sparky. Of course, he followed public health procedures in any remotely public spaces, but in the off-season, the campground was practically abandoned. The unseasonably warm weather, though, meant that Hal could be outside all he wanted. Isn’t it neat to watch the sunrise over a lake?

Hal hasn’t slept outside of his childhood bed since January. It’s weird for a college student to stay in the same place for so long, isn’t it? Hal and I agree, though, that we’d rather be feeling weird staying put than putting others at risk by moving around.

Hal, Sparky, and I would like to wish you a happy and safe Thanksgiving! Remember to take care of your mind and body over the break, even if that means eating some comfort food and catching up on homework. 🙂

If you’re new here, Hal is a U-M student who’s been studying remotely since January, and who will be remote next semester, too! If you’d like to see more, come back next Tuesday, or search the “Study Hal” tag for more.

Study Hal: Week 27 – Indoors

Hal likes to read his book outside in the mornings, but today, he woke up to frost and snow on the ground… It’s officially too late in the season to take breaks outdoors! Lucky for him, there are a lot of cozy chairs and great houseplants around here. It’s not quite the same as the fresh air outside, but it’ll do.

As far as books, Hal is almost done with Neil Gaiman’s American Gods! I’ve been trying to get him to read Coraline, but he says it’s too scary… (With his love of horror movies, I thought it would be perfect!) Anyone got any good new recommendations for him? He’s going to need them going into the long winter break.

If this is your first time here, welcome! Hal is a U-M student studying remotely through 2020. Check the Study Hal tag to see all of his exploits, or come back on Tuesdays for more!

Study Hal: Week 26 – Refreshed

Like much of the United States, Hal spent last week waiting for election results by constantly refreshing the vote map. When the news came in about our new president-elect, Hal actually felt relieved and refreshed… But it only lasted about 10 seconds. Then he realized how much work piled up while he was worrying about the election results.

It’s been really hard to balance schoolwork with the stress of modern issues. The fight for equal rights and a more democratic and unified country are far from over, but us students have 30 pages of reading and five essays due next week… Hal would like to remind you to be kind to yourself in the coming weeks. He’s working hard to get back on track, but even if it’s slow, it’s amazing to be doing any work at all in a time like this. To all of the students trying to hang in there: amazing job so far, and you’ve got this going forward!

In case this is your first time here, Hal is a U-M student who’s studying remotely for 2020. He’s back on Tuesdays with new adventures, but you can check out all of the previous weeks on the Study Hal tag.