Off The Screen [A Vlogumentary]

For my final blog post of the semester, I am posting a vlog post. The art lies in the videography documenting the mundane components of daily life and how they are affected by exponentially growing hours before a screen. The documentation of the “off screen” hours is both contradictory and necessary for furthered understanding of human activities.

As we become increasingly more absorbed in technology and social media, the time we spend before screens becomes disproportionate to the time we spend IRL (in real life). We do not document our daily activities that exist off the screen and these, although commonplace, can be the most important. We may live a screen lyfe, but we should not let the book of life gather dust. In this vlogumentary, a shortened attention span is mirrored and the cinematic flow (or lack thereof) plays a significant role in the overall piece–flowing with the “off screen” activities and jumping with a lack of focus over the “on screen” insights.

Watch the vlogumentary here:


Off The Screen

