Bronwyn Lundberg and The Lesbian Supper

Another artist this week!

This time, artist Bronwyn Lundberg who recently grabbed headlines for the following piece of art she composed. Yes, ladies and gentlemen. It is indeed The Last Supper and the lovely Ellen DeGeneres in the  infamous Bjork swan dress is indeed the Jesus of the table.

The Lesbian Last Supper by Bronwyn Lundberg
The Lesbian Last Supper by Bronwyn Lundberg

Lundberg, a lesbian artist, upon having a discussion with a friend about how to decorate her bed, came up with the idea of redoing The Last Supper with a lesbian theme. Yeah, I don’t get how she got that idea either…

Needless to say, this piece has ruffled some feathers. Lundberg’s response:

I personally don’t think this is sacrilegious in the least but of course, there are those who would see Lundberg dead for defiling a classic religious piece. Hey, humorless nitwits will always be humorless nitwits, eh? Another Lundberg piece: The Creation of Neil.

The Creation of Neil by Bronwyn Lundberg
The Creation of Neil by Bronwyn Lundberg
Piss Christ by Andres Serrano
Piss Christ by Andres Serrano

And what’s an article about potentially blasphemous art without Piss Christ, the Andres Serrano photograph of a crucifix submerged in his urine? Here’s a copy for good luck.

When I came across this piece a few years ago (thanks to Wikipedia, I’m sure), I didn’t know how to respond. I’m not Christian yet there was still the shock. A crucifix…? In… pee…?! At the same time, I didn’t really see anything offensive about this picture (read: not Christian). To me, it was clearly Serrano making a statement on what the organized church had become and its values compared to Christ’s values, etc, etc. It was a statement of fact to me. Like a number or a scientific truth I learn in class. It did not strike me as the statement of a (very controversial) opinion, most likely because I shared that opinion, thus making it no longer an opinion but a concrete truth in my eyes.

Is it the same thing again? Am I being cray cray when I think Lundberg’s isn’t offensive in the least? It’s fun. And cute. Ellen as Jesus? Ha ha. It captured my attention for, like, an entire five minutes. I wrote a blog post about it.

Religion + politics + art = volatile beauty

In case you wanna check out Lundberg: here’s the Huffington Post interview with her about the Ellen painting. And here’s the link to her  website.



Ha ha. Okay. Bye.

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