Why I Think Jimmy Fallon Revolutionized Late Night Television, Part 2

Okay, so this isn’t really a “part 2” of why I feel like Jimmy Fallon Revolutionized Late Night Television, but it is a part 2 on Jimmy Fallon, because, well…Jimmy Fallon. I didn’t have room for this in my last post, but I really really wanted to include it, so here it goes.

Also, according to Today, the 17th was Jimmy Fallon’s one year anniversary since taking over The Tonight Show, and I didn’t find out until about an hour ago. I must be psychic or something. Anyways, you read the article and see if it lines up with what I said in my last post about Jimmy Fallon.

So, in honor of Jimmy’s one year anniversary, I present to you Why I Think Jimmy Fallon Revolutionized Late Night Television Part 2: The Top 5 Jimmy Fallon Videos You Need To Watch Right Now (In No Particular Order).


Most people would disagree with my choice for this “category,” so to speak, but I find the Ew featuring Taylor Swift to be so on point that it’s a must see. The will.i.am song is funny, but doesn’t give you much info on the background or the show itself. Honestly, I can’t even describe Ew because it’s just so insane. Just watch it. Close second is the Ew featuring Michelle Obama (as herself, not a character) and Will Farrell


So I really couldn’t decide which #Hashtags video to go with, because they’re all so hilarious, and so inviting of the viewership at home, so I ended up choosing one that, ah, really speaks to me as a college student, if you catch my drift. But seriously, watch all the #hashtags…preferably when you aren’t procrastinating studying for an exam.


While all the lip sync battles are fantastic and you should go watch them right now if you haven’t already, this one takes the cake. Will Ferrell, Kevin Hart, and Jimmy Fallon all compete for the “Superbowl of Lip Sync,” and it is absolutely hilarious. You decide who wins. (My pick? Jimmy, duh.)


I had a really hard time choosing a video to put in the “guest”/variety category. Jimmy just does so many amazing things with his guests, from playing charades to doing skits about dancing on jumbotrons, but I gotta say, this one is as good as any. You put Tom Hanks and Full House and Slam Poetry all in one sentence, and you get magic.


So, I chose this as my last Jimmy Fallon Video You Need To Watch Right Now mostly because of personal reasons. I don’t know why this video works so well, but it just does. Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake are just perfect together for some strange reason. If I had never seen anything about Jimmy Fallon and you told me that they were good friends and do skits all the time, I’d probably never believe you because they are two of the last people I’d ever expect to be friends. But they are, and I feel like this video is just one of the many that they’ve made that shows not only that friendship but also their talent for perfect comedic timing.


Since this isn’t technically a Jimmy Fallon video I didn’t include it on my list, but it’s still a fantastic watch, even if only for Fallon’s on point Jim Parsons impersonation (which, I would expect nothing less, since that’s how he became popular on SNL in the first place) and Justin Timberlake’s appearance as Jimmy Fallon himself. While I’m pretty opinionated when it comes to SNL (it’s a fantastic show but poor writing has made it almost unbearable to watch the past few years), I have to say this sketch was not only well written, but also had a fantastic execution which honestly proves how much better live entertainment can be.

And there you have it. Go take a (short) study break and watch some Jimmy Fallon. You deserve it.


Jeannie Marie

A Venn Diagram of hipster music, sappy romantic comedies, nerd culture, adorable puppies, film trivia, totally not rigged awards shows, random illustritive quotes with a dash of not-quite-there-yet charm.

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