Two Other Characters

First of all sorry for missing Monday. I was busy catching up with work.


The lady with the bun is another DnD backup character. She’s a college of spirits bard/social media manager.

The other unfamiliar lady is Brinnslow Harvester, the Red Priest. She’s my foray into horror art and is kinda based on Hellraiser’s Cenobites. She’s the last of her religion and has some body horror stuff going on.


J. Shen or "Micey" is a Junior at Umich. She loves character design and telling stories and dabbles in making her own comics. Sketchbook Smashing is an attempt to chronicle her process in designing characters. From first concepts, hairstyle and outfit changes, or even complete shifts in design. She also hopes to map out how her own art style changes throughout the year. Her website is Her art Tumblr is

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